2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog
2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog » Courses » PE - Physical Education
Participation in the following intercollegiate athletics: Baseball, Basketball, Cheer/Dance, Cross-Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling. Grading System: S-U only.
Bicycling is an age-old sport that has made a great resurgence in America, not only for the population as a whole, but also for individuals. This class will promote knowledge of physiological effects of cycling, understanding of safety aspects, while placing special emphasis on bicycling for fun. An attempt will be made to encourage bicycling as a lifetime sport for class members, and to stress the importance of aerobic activity in one’s life.
A physical fitness class designed to challenge students of all fitness levels. This class will provide students with a combination of exercise opportunities that will include cardiovascular endurance activities, weight training, swimming and various other activities. This course is designed to help students achieve a higher level of physical fitness through high intensity training.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the exciting and energizing world of Zumba®! Through Zumba®, students will learn different Latin rhythms and dance movements – all while feeling rejuvenated and empowered. After two hours of Zumba® each week, students will discover that working out can be fun! More importantly, they will be encouraged to form life-long habits for healthy living.
This course is designed to offer a skiing experience to beginners, intermediate, and advanced skiers. Proper techniques, knowledge of the rules for safety and etiquette will be taught.
This course is designed to offer a snowboarding experience to beginners, intermediate, and advanced snowboarders. Proper techniques, knowledge of the rules for safety and etiquette will be taught.
This course is designed to help students develop physical fitness through a swimming/aquatics program. Fitness concepts will be stressed through activities and short lectures.
This course promotes lifetime physical fitness through instruction in golf and recreational activities. Students will be given opportunities to learn and/or improve golf skills through practice and playing the game. Rules and etiquette will also be stressed. Additional fitness opportunities will be provided through a variety of recreational sports and games.
This course is designed to improve physiological fitness through physical activity and to promote participation in physical fitness as a lifelong practice. Group aerobic exercise includes a variety of instructor-led classes including step, power, and water aerobics.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic principles of the game of handball. Rules, techniques and strategies for play will be examined. Students will also be involved in physical activity in the Elmen Center Sports Forum when they are not playing handball.
Translated from Sanskrit, yoga means union. Hatha Yoga involves proper exercise in the form of postures, proper breathing, proper relaxation, and positive meditative thinking. This class is a means of creating union between mind, body and spirit through stretching, exercising, breathing with mindfulness, and consciously seeking clarity and balance. This class will contribute toward your total wellness behavior.
This course will make use of a combination of lectures, laboratories, and activities to introduce students to the components of health-related fitness and to foster an understanding of the necessary means of leading a healthy lifestyle. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the various components of fitness, to assess their own fitness, and participate in activities to enhance fitness. Topics such as stress management, nutrition and overall health will also be discussed.
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art that aims at developing students’ mental and physical agility. Many amateur and professional athletes find that training in Tae Kwon Do helps them perform in their chosen sport at a much higher level. The art also encourages people to show respect for themselves as well as for others. Tae Kwon Do is also concerned with self-defense. Students who take this course will receive basic training in self-defense techniques.
The purpose of this course is to promote lifetime physical activity by introducing students to the basic principles of physical conditioning and total well-being. The students will take part in a variety of physical activities and games addressing all components of fitness including aerobic conditioning, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility.
This course is designed to teach the participants the basic rules of the sport of racquetball, while introducing them to the fundamental techniques used while playing. The course is also intended for the participants to have an enjoyable experience and be able to apply the learned knowledge for future leisure time activities, promoting an active, healthy lifestyle. Students will also participate in other activities to promote physical fitness when they are not playing racquetball.
This class promotes the benefits of dance as a physical activity that can be enjoyed throughout a person’s lifetime. Students will learn a variety of ballroom dances including line dances, waltz, foxtrot, jitterbug, and swing dances. Mixers, wedding dances, country western dances, and Latin American dances are also included. Basic ballroom dance etiquette will be practiced.
This course is designed to introduce students to tennis and other net sports. Each student will learn the fundamental techniques and terms of these activities. In the process, students will further develop an appreciation for each course activity and its relationship to the overall health and wellness. The course intent is to provide an enjoyable experience for all involved while providing knowledge of the different activities to promote healthy lifestyle choices. Occasionally this course is offered with Archery as well.
This course is designed to help students understand and experience the physiological benefits of walking and hiking both individually and in the group setting.
This course is designed to help students develop physical fitness through weight training and to promote its benefits as a lifetime physical activity. Benefits of weight training, proper technique, terminology, exercise progression and safety will be incorporated along with the physical activity aspect of the course. A section specifically for women is often offered.
This course is dedicated to promoting physical and mental wellness related to life-time skills in the outdoors. Participants will learn basic skills of: fly-fishing, kayaking, camping, map-compass and orienteering, "Leave-No-Trace" philosophies regarding the outdoors, trip planning and rock climbing. Class meets at the Outdoor Campus—Sertoma Park, and will include 2 Saturday field trips over the course of the semester.
This class will introduce students to the sport of fencing. No previous experience is required and equipment will be provided. The class will instruct students in the basics of footwork, attacks and defenses. The focus will be on the basic parry and ripost as well as the lunge. More complex combinations will also be explored. By the end of the course students will compete in a tournament style bout. The sport is fast-paced and challenging for all and will build muscle-tone and improve hand/eye skills. Additional fees apply.
This course will introduce students to a variety of winter-time outdoor adventures and activities. Class will be spent indoors and outdoors. Possible activities include winter orienteering, outdoor nature hikes, cross country skiing and snowshoeing, wilderness survival, introduction to winter camping, snow shelters, outdoor winter cooking skills and fire-craft, and various other winter and snow related topics. Each student is responsible to provide their own transportation.
An activity course that examines and applies the fundamentals and skills of distance running. Students will receive instruction in proper biomechanics of running and the development of a fitness program, use of equipment, etc., but the focus will be active participation in jogging. Students will maintain an exercise journal, develop their own running and possibly strengthening program, culminating in a 5K road race as part of their evaluation.
This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of sport management through a review of the history, overview of the skill sets needed for success in the field, and discussion of possible careers in the field.
This course will examine a variety of issues relating to sport in today's society. The course is intended to provide an introduction to the sociology of sport and designed to raise questions to promote systematic, issue-related thinking about sport. Issues that relate to athletes today such as sports gambling, violence in sports, and substance abuse will be discussed to better understand the complex problems that pertain to sport.
This course is for persons who are responsible for giving emergency care to the sick and injured. Emergency care instruction will include airway management, fracture and dislocation splinting, cervical spine immobilization, extrication techniques, emergency treatment for asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heat illness, and various forms of shock.
Basic course in the fundamental motor skills, playing strategy and basic teaching methodology of individual and team sports activities.
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding and personal appreciation of the relationship between coaches and athletes and how it relates to both. Information will be provided in the areas of personality traits as well as leadership styles.
This course is designed to provide people with basic first aid and CPR knowledge for emergencies. Proper procedures in calling for help, skills necessary to keep someone alive, and ways to reduce pain will be examined. Students will also learn how to minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until professional help arrives.
Theory of Coaching courses are designed for those students who intend to coach. Each theory course emphasizes the development of selected motor skills, team defensive and offensive strategies, conditioning and coaching principles.
An overview of the natural resources used for leisure, an analysis of leisure activities dependent upon natural resources, a presentation of the problems of recreational land use and an introduction to environmental awareness and outdoor safety.
This course is designed to prepare elementary education majors to teach health, physical education skills and activities and movement integration in regular education classrooms grades K-8. Emphasis is placed upon curriculum, methodology, and teaching aids in health and physical education at the elementary school level, while also providing a safe educational environment for all learners.
A course designed to prepare students to be effecting teachers of physical education. Students will discover developmentally appropriate teaching strategies for PE including knowledge and skills regarding methodology, classroom management, discipline, and assessment. Participants will learn and experience games, movement, and fitness activities appropriate for the elementary grades K-6.
A course designed to teach basic fundamental swim strokes, aquatic activities, and teaching methodology of swimming.
The integrated study of the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries, and first aid techniques emphasizing the practical application of treating athletic injuries in their initial phase. Taping, wrapping and basic assessment skills are emphasized.
This course will include folk, square and social dance with emphasis placed on skills techniques as well as methodology in teaching rhythms activities K-12.
The focus of this course is on aspects of administration and organizations as they relate to physical education and athletics. The specific skills necessary to carry out leadership duties successfully will be emphasized.
A study of physical education, programs and activities for exceptional children, including conditioning, physical fitness, and activity skills.
This course is designed primarily to give students a practical, hands-on introduction to performance enhancement techniques available in sport psychology. Most people think sport psychology deals with how to "psych up" or psych out" athletes. While that is part of the story, sport psychology is concerned with many other phenomena of equal importance to sport participation and performance enhancement.
Internship in Physical Education.