2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog

PHIL - Philosophy

PHIL 110 Dimensions of the Self

An inquiry into the nature and conditions of selfhood. Issues explored include: the self in relation to education, vocation, maturation, morality, rationality, rights and responsibilities; the self in relation to its projects and possibilities and values, its capacity for transcendence, meaning, and interpersonal relationships.



PHIL 120 Critical Thinking

A broad introduction to the art of reasoning. Topics include: the basic concepts of logic, with techniques for detecting, classifying, and evaluating arguments; mistakes in reasoning committed in everyday life; deductive and inductive logic; problem solving skills. Designed to make the student a more careful thinker and a better judge of evidence and arguments.



PHIL 200 Reason, Faith and the Search for Meaning

A study of those issues which are of common concern to philosophy and religion. Topics focused upon include: the nature and function of religion; the existence and attributes of God; the claims of reason and the claims of faith; God and the problem of evil; the meaning of religious statements; religious experience and the inexpressible; religion and morality; human freedom and the meaning of life.




RELI 110

Cross Listed Courses

RELI 200

PHIL 210 Ethical Perspectives

An introductory exploration of basic ethical issues from different philosophical perspectives as well as from the vantage point of the Christian faith. This course is designed to encourage a thoughtful appraisal of the deep questions of life within the broadest possible context.




RELI 110

Cross Listed Courses

RELI 210

PHIL 220 Our Philosophical Heritage I

A survey of the history of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratics through the scholastics, concentrating upon the main thinkers, ideas, and cultural developments of the period.



Cross Listed Courses

CLAS 220

PHIL 230 Our Philosophical Heritage II

A survey of the history of Western philosophy from the 17th Century through the 20th Century, concentrating upon the main thinkers, ideas and cultural developments which have shaped the modern mind.



PHIL 241 Theology and Philosophy in Dialog

This course is a survey of Western philosophical thought with the purpose of introducing students of theology to the philosophical ideas which have had a significant influence on the development of Christian theology. Tradition and Culture Course.




RELI 110

Cross Listed Courses

RELI 241

PHIL 242 Liberation Thought

This course is devoted to concentrated study in liberation theologies and philosophies. Specific attention will be given to understanding the differences between a variety of schools of liberation thought. Contemporary Issues Course.




RELI 110

Cross Listed Courses

RELI 242

PHIL 243 Conversation Between Science and Religion

This course will develop the theological implications of the Christian doctrines in light of current conversations between religion and science. Major topics of the course will include topics like: 1)The doctrine of creation; 2) What it means to be Human; 3) Beginnings and Endings of Life; 4) Genetics and Theology; and 5) Ecology and the Environment. Contemporary Issues Course.




RELI 110

Cross Listed Courses

RELI 243

PHIL 270 Asian Philosophy

This course will survey some of the major texts of classical Chinese and Japanese philosophy in order to develop an understanding of the development of the broad strains of Asian philosophy. Some attention will also be given to the roots of Buddhism in India; to the influence of Asian philosophies on early American philosophy; and to the reception and influence of classical texts in contemporary Asian and American culture.



PHIL 280 American Philosophy

This course is an introduction to American philosophy. The aim of the course is to provide a survey of the main movements and texts of American Philosophy, including early religious philosophies, American Idealisms, the American Enlightenment, Transcendentalism, Pragmatism, Radical Empiricism, and the philosophy of science.



PHIL 282 Ethics in America

This course explores significant issues in social ethics in the United States, including some or all of the following: race, gender, sexuality, bioethics, crime and punishment, immigration, economic justice, and the environment. Attention will be given to contemporary debates on these issues as well as their development historically and their relation to American cultures and institutions. Study of these issues will help deepen our thinking about key American ideals such as freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness.



PHIL 300 Contemporary Moral Issues

This course explores a variety of ethical theories, both classical and contemporary, acquaints students with a number of contemporary moral issues (abortion, euthanasia, world hunger, animal rights, civil disobedience, sexual morality, etc.), and examines the different ways in which these issues can be addressed.




PHIL 110, 120 or 200

PHIL 310 Death, Dying and Beyond

This course will focus on such topics as: Dealing with one's own death; biblical, theological, and philosophical perspectives relating to death, suffering, self and afterlife; care of the dying person, components of grief and loss, funerals, wills, suicide, and euthanasia.



Cross Listed Courses

RELI 310

PHIL 311 Readings in Plato and Aristotle

An introduction to the writings of Plato and Aristotle in the original Greek. A dialogue of Plato and representative selections of Aristotle's thought are read, with emphasis on content and style of expression.




PHIL 220

Cross Listed Courses

CLAS 311

PHIL 320 Political Philosophy

An examination of classical and modern political theory, concentrating on selected works from each period. Emphasis will be placed on differing interpretations of human nature, power, justice, and the best political order.



Cross Listed Courses

GOVT 320

PHIL 332 Seminar

A concentrated study of one or more philosophers, a period or particular branch of philosophy.




PHIL 220; PHIL 230

PHIL 400 Senior Thesis

In consultation with a faculty member, a second semester senior will select a research topic. With supervision from the faculty member, the student will research and write a paper during the semester. At a final senior thesis forum, the student will present his/her paper to fellow seniors as well as the faculty of the department.




Senior Standing