
Music Therapy (B.M.)

The Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy is a professional degree designed to train students in clinical applications of music, blending musical skills with specialized training in the areas of psychology and the behavioral and natural sciences. In order to graduate, degree candidates will demonstrate technical command of three instruments (voice, guitar, keyboard) sufficient to be able to communicate and improvise through music in various clinical settings. They will also successfully complete a Music Therapy Internship and a capstone research project. For more information on this program, contact Dr. Janice Dvorkin at dvorkin@uiwtx.edu.

Major requirements for the Bachelor of Music with a Major in Music Therapy:

98-102 credit hours in Music, Music Therapy, and behavioral/natural sciences

A.34 credit hours of musicianship:

MUSI 1110Freshman Music Seminar

MUSI 1191Aural Skills I

MUSI 1192Aural Skills II

MUSI 2193Aural Skills III

MUSI 2194Advanced Aural Skills IV

MUSI 1321Music Theory I

MUSI 1322Music Theory II

MUSI 2323Music Theory III

MUSI 3324Music Theory IV

MUSI 1111Keyboard Skills I

MUSI 1121Keyboard Skills II

MUSI 2110Keyboard Skills III

MUSI 2120Keyboard Skills IV

MUSI 3341Music History I

MUSI 3342Music History II

MUSI 3348Studies in World Music

MUSI 4344Conducting

MUSI 1110 must be completed twice

B. 20 credit hours in music development and performance:

10 credit hours of principal instrument in Voice, Piano, or Guitar

Vocal track:
MUAP 1176Priv Instr I: Voice

MUAP 1177Priv Instr II: Voice

MUAP 2276Priv Instr III: Voice

MUAP 2277Priv Instr IV: Voice

MUAP 3276Priv Instr V: Voice

MUAP 3277Priv Instr: VI Voice

Piano or Guitar track:
MUAP 1154Priv Instr I:

MUAP 1155Priv Instr II:

MUAP 2254Priv Instr III:

MUAP 2255Instrumental Priv Instruc IV

MUAP 3254Priv Instr V:

MUAP 3255Instrumental Priv Instruc VI

6 credit hours of major ensembles:

Cardinal Band, Cardinal Chorale, Orchestra, or Wind Ensemble (See Ensemble Policies further in this section)

4 credit hours of applied Music Therapy courses:

MUTH 1145Class Voice/Music Therapy

MUTH 2101Class Guitar/Music Therapy I

MUTH 2102Class Guitar II/Music Therapy

MUTH 2150Percussion for Therapy

C. 32 credit hours in Music Therapy:

MUTH 1301Intro to Music Therapy

MUTH 2151Practicum Lab I

MUTH 2251Music in Therapy I

MUTH 2152Practicum Lab II

MUTH 2252Music in Therapy II

MUTH 2271Clinical Orientation

MUTH 2388Piano Improvisation in Therapy

MUTH 3301Psychology of Music

MUTH 3305Creative Improv in Therapy

MUTH 3153Practicum Lab III

MUTH 3253Music in Therapy III

MUTH 4300Senior Seminar

MUTH 4301Music Therapy Internship

Note: All entering freshman Music Therapy majors should take MUTH 1301, Introduction to Music Therapy, their first semester. If entering in the spring semester, students should take this course the next fall.

MUTH 4301: Students must take MUTH 4301 twice for a total of 6 credit hours.  

Prior to registering for Music Therapy Internship, all Music Therapy majors must pass the Piano Proficiency and a Piano Improvisation Competency exam, and all coursework must be completed.  Music Therapy majors may study an instrument in which they are proficient. If, however, their major instrument is not voice, guitar, or piano, Music Therapy majors must achieve competency on voice, guitar, and piano during their coursework prior to their Music Therapy internships.

D. 19 credit hours in behavioral/natural sciences (including 13 hours taken as part of the Core)

BIOL 2321Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 2121Anatomy & Physiology I Lab

EDUC 2315Sur/Student Divs/Inclusive Set

MATH 2303Intro/Probability & Statistics

PSYC 1301Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 2370Child/Adolescent Development

PSYC 3331Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 1301, PSYC 3331, BIOL 2321, MATH 2303: 13 hours taken as part of the Core

E. Core Curriculum:

27 required credit hours in addition to the 13 above hours taken as part of the core

F. Elective credit in Music Therapy:

1-5 credit hours. Although not required for the degree, it is highly recommended that students enroll in MUTH 4188, which can be repeated for credit up to five semesters. Refer to the course description section of the catalog for a full course description.