Music History Minor

The Minor in Music History offers the music major the opportunity to pursue further work in music history, culminating in a research project that the student will present in a public forum.

A. Required Courses:

MUSI 3341Music History I

MUSI 3342Music History II


MUSI 3348Studies in World Music


MUSI 3351Music in Asian Theater


MUSI 4341Research/Writing in Music

A grade of B- or higher is required for MUSI 3348 and MUSI 3351.

B. Upper-level Music History Elective:

Students must complete one upper-level 3-credit course in music history or chosen in consultation with the program coordinator to support the student's research.

C. Independent Research:

Students must complete one upper-level 3-credit independent study (MUSI 4398) course developed in consultation with the program coordinator.