State Employee Fee Waivers

Currently, employees of the State of Florida may be eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees for college-credit courses. All other fees, including the application fee and laboratory fees will be charged. Only full-time employees within the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government are eligible for fee waivers. Persons employed by the State University System, the Florida State College System or local school districts are not considered employees of the State of Florida and are not eligible for fee waivers.

State employees will follow the established admission and registration process, as described in the current Catalog and Student Handbook , for enrolling in college-credit courses. State employees will complete PHSC's established registration process in person and complete the State of Florida form titled "State Employee Tuition Waiver Program - Intent to Apply." The State Employee Tuition Waiver Program - Intent to Apply form and the completed PHSC registration forms must be submitted to the Financial Aid office at any PHSC campus for approval and for the waiver of tuition and applicable fees no sooner than the second day of the identified drop/add period. Fee waivers will not be approved for courses in which state employees enroll, pay fees, and then drop, and then re-enroll on the second day of the identified drop/add periods .

State employees may enroll for up to six college-credit hours of courses per term on a space available basis. "Space available" is defined to be college credit classes that are not full at the beginning of the second day of the identified drop/add period for the term or course. The following courses, however, are excluded from the State Employee Fee Waiver Program:

  1. All courses within the limited-access health programs
  2. All CISCO Academy courses
  3. Any other college-credit course taught by a third party