ENGR3250 Integrated Product Design

You will work with industrial design students from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (in Boston) and business students from Babson College to develop new products through a project sponsored by a company. Projects have an Internet of Things (IOT) theme that is informed by contexts chosen by students, such as food, recreation, health, and education. Students learn first hand about the techniques and contributions different disciplines bring to product design and practice cross-functional collaboration common in professional design settings. Multiple guest speakers from local product design companies provide first-hand insight into this practice. This course provides valuable preparation for students interested to work in design firms, such as Continuum, IDEO, Frog, Altitude and Essential to name a few, or develop and launch their own consumer products. Class will be held once a week and rotate among all three campuses. Babson students should enroll in MOB 3578. Wellesley students should cross-register into this course and not MOB 3578 at Babson.





