ENGR3570 Computer Networks

Computer Networks is a course that traces the history of the Internet through the words of the visionaries, inventors and entrepreneurs who developed it. The course spans almost two hundred years from the creation of international telegraphy to the current network. Many pioneers from the digital computer era are recipients of the ACM Turing Award; for this course we have chosen Turing Award recipients whose accomplishments line up with the layers of standard OSI network computing model.

Labs: The goal of the labs is for students to develop an understanding of the internet by implementing it layer by layer using Python 3 on Raspberry pi computers. For example, Layer 1, the OSI Physical layer, is initially implemented as Morse code sent between Raspberry pi network nodes by programming GPIO pins. Each lab corresponds to the layer of the Internet stack associated with the network pioneer currently being studied. Each lab provides the support modules needed to code the stack layer; a common framework for gluing the stack layers together is also provided.



Recommended Requisites

Experience with Python or Permission of instructor

