World Religions (minor only)

Introduction & Overview 

To understand the world, one must understand religions, and understanding religion demands a worldwide perspective.  The World Religions program offers students the opportunity to study religion as a factor that shapes human culture, history, politics, and economics.  Because religions deal with the most basic questions regarding life, love and death, courses in World Religions may also provide students with insights into their own personalities, and open ways of communication between people from different traditions.


The World Religions faculty welcome all students into its' courses at every level.  Many students find that a course in World Religions provides new perspectives on subjects they have explored elsewhere, or that a minor in World Religions complements their original major.





World Religions 

Division Chair  

Lisa Rafanelli, 914.323.7182,


P.L. Gardella

Faculty Emeritus

James Edwards Jones


Administrative Assistant

Caren Valente,