Visual Arts Education (All Grades), BFA/MAT (E301)

Major: Studio Art


For Art Course Requirements see the College Catalog or the Art Department Handbook.

This program leads to certification in Art Education upon completion of the MAT degree. The MAT degree will be completed in the summer, fall and spring of the fifth year. Candidates will student teach only once, during the fifth year.

The following education courses are to be taken during the undergraduate program. They include 5 graduate courses that may count toward both the BFA degree and the MAT degree.

Students begin to take graduate courses in their junior year.

Program Requirements

Courses to be taken for the Art Education Minor:

EDU 2000Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching


SSE 2025Child Development & Learning



EDU 5393Foundations of Special Education


EDU 5391Aesthetic Literacy


EDU 5026Literacy in the Content Areas


EDU 5379Art Education Workshop: Early Education Through Adolescence


EDU 5316Beyond Teaching: Organizational And Management Strategies for the Beginning Art Teacher


NY State Certification Requirements (must be completed within the undergraduate program).

A course in Oral Communication

A course in History


A course in Literature


A course in Science


A course in Mathematics


One year or the equivalent of coursework in a Language other than English

A course in Written Analysis and Expression

For a complete list of all the remaining courses, state tests, student teaching and other MAT degree requirements, please consult the Graduate Education Catalog.
