Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL)

The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL), serves the co-curricular needs of both full-time and part-time undergraduate students by providing social, cultural, educational, and leadership programs. Through on and off-campus events, a wide variety of student clubs and organizations, leadership training and development programs, the College reinforces its commitment to stimulate the intellectual and personal growth of its students. CSIL, in conjunction with Student Government Association, oversees over 40 sutdents clubs and organizations, including registration and budget allocations. 

Commuter Services

Commuter students comprise approximately 40 percent of the Manhattanville community. They are encouraged to utilize campus resources and participate in all aspects of campus life, including academic and student organizations and other on-campus activities. Please refer to the Event Guest Policy on page 54 for guest policy rules and regulations. Student lounges are located on the first floor of Brownson Hall, lobby of Spellman Hall, Library, Game Zone and Berman Center. These lounges provide spaces to study individually or in groups, as well as a place to relax and meet other students between classes. Food services are available at Benziger Dinging Hall, Brownson Café, Library Café, The Marketplace, and Starbucks during normal meal times. Check the specific location for operating hours. Commuter students may rent a locker and lock for free for the academic year. They must complete the Locker Rental Agreement through the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership.

Manhattanville Peer Mentors Program (MPMP)

MPMP connects incoming Manhattanville students with successful upperclassmen in order to help them with the transition to college life, with emphasis on successful academics and student life experiences. The Manhattanville Peer Mentors are student leaders who foster a holistic academic and social college environment for first year students. Their focus is on building a healthy relationship with the first year students, offering support, care, and resources. They build a solid connection between first year students and the larger Manhattanville College Community by offering weekly office hours, providing individualized attention, and hosting monthly large scale programs throughout the academic year. Mentors must have over a 3.5 GPA and remain in good standing at the college. Mentor recruitment takes place during the Spring Semester. Mentors receive extensive training on a variety of topics.

The Valiant Medallion Program

The Valiant Medallion Program supports student in meeting their full leadership potential by providing cross-department opportunities, for intentional learning, self-reflection, collaboration, advocacy, and skills development. Students enrolled in the Valiant Medallion Program gain a strong sense of self-awareness, work effectively with others, and become ethically and socially responsible leaders.

This program is created around Susan R. Komive’s Social Change Model of Leadership Development. The three clusters of this theory lens to the different levels of medallion / leadership: Individual Focus and Values (Bronze Medallion); Community Focus and Values (Silver Medallion); and Larger Community Focus and Value (Gold Medallion).

There are 6 pillars that creates the framework for this leadership program: Discovery, Integrity, Inclusion, Community, Collaboration, and Consciousness.

The Valiant Awards Ceremony

The Valiant Award Ceremony is an annual tradition celebrating student holist achievement. It is a collaboration between Student Affairs Division and the School of Arts and Sciences, bringing together undergraduate students, family, friends, staff, and faculty.

Fall Fest: Family and Friends Weekend

Fall Fest: Family and Friends Weekend celebrates Valiant Pride during a 3-day long tradition of activities for friends, families, and alums of Manhattanville College. 

New Student and Family Orientation

Orientation introduces our incoming new undergraduate students during the Summer and Winter to the academic expectations and co-curricular opportunities on campus. New students will meet faculty members, learn how to get involved on campus and meet their fellow new students.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Student Clubs and Organizations are created by and for undergraduate students with similar interests and talents to bring a diverse array of extra and co-curricular experiences to all members of the Manhattanville community. If you would like to start a new Club or Organization, please see a staff member in the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership

Planning an Event

Student clubs/organizations looking to have an event must first submit their event for approval using the Event Registration form found on The 'Ville. The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership will review your event and contact you with approval or for more information. Once your event has been approved CSIL will work with you to plan your event using the campus resources available to you. At no point should a room be reserved, purchase be made, or food be ordered without receiving prior approval from CSIL as they should be coordinating these processes with you.

Event Guest Policy

Social events on campus are an important and integral part of the total educational experience. It is important for all students to understand what is expected of them and their guests. Students or members of a club or organization planning social events must be aware of the following regulations.
The Student must understand and abide by the guest policy established in the Student Handbook and accepts full responsibility of their guest.

Commuter Students and their guests

  • Commuter students may attend events on campus after 8:00 pm as long as they do not enter the residence halls. In the event that a commuter student intends to spend any amount of time in a residence hall after 8:00 pm, a residential student must register the commuter student as an overnight guest (see guest policy under The Office of Residence Life & Conference Services)
  • Commuter students are allowed to bring one guest to campus events. Guests must be registered prior to attending the event. To register a guest, commuter students must either register their guest during the event RSVP period or bring their guest to Campus Safety Headquarters in Spellman Hall to fill out a Guest Registration Pass. The host commuter student will fill out a Guest Registration Pass and present both host Manhattanville ID and Guest ID (Driver’s license, passport, Government ID).
  • All guests of Manhattanville College students must carry a valid ID and their copy of the Guest Registration Pass at all times. The guest of a commuter student must leave campus upon the conclusion of an event. The guest may not spend the night on campus.

Non-Manhattanville guests and/or invited institutions/organizations

• Students planning a social event on campus that invites guests not associated with the college must meet with the designated staff member from CSIL to discuss the event and how and where the event will be advertised.

• The host(s) of the event must submit a list of invited guests and/or institutions to the designated CSIL staff member at least one week prior to the event. Failure to do so may result in no guest policy for that event.

• The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership will share the list with appropriate college personnel (i.e. Residence Life, Dean of Students, and Campus Safety). If there is a potential problem the host will be contacted to discuss the event.

• For an invited institution/organization, CSIL will contact the appropriate personnel at the invited institution to discuss the guest policy and pertinent college rules and regulations.

• Students on the pre-approved guest list must present at the front gate a current valid Photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or State ID). If a guest’s name is not on the pre-approved guest list, the student will not be permitted to enter the campus.

• Guest lists must include the names of any off campus presenters (i.e. DJ, speaker, performer) and any support staff that is coming with the presenter. This must be submitted at least one week prior to the event.

DJs are limited to bringing 4 assistants for set-up, performance, or breakdown unless pre-approved by CSIL. CSIL reserves the right to request the DJ and their staff leave campus for any actions, decisions, behaviors, or comments that are disruptive.

• The following information needs to be included on the guest list:

• Hosts Name and Room Number (if a residential student)

• Guests Full Name (first and last), Guest Date of Birth and Guest Home Address (including, street, city and state)

• Guest contact information including email and phone number

• Will the guest attending the event be staying on campus overnight

** Please refer to the “Guest Policy (Residence Halls)” section of the Code of Community Conduct for Additional Information Regarding Manhattanville College’s Guest Policy

Student Club/Organization Event Responsibilities:

  • Five members of the host club and organization must be present at the event for its duration.
  • The club/organization advisor or their designee must be present at the event for its duration.
  • Event hosts are responsible for ensuring that the college’s social event policy regulations are observed by their invited guests.
  • In the event that a host is unable to regulate or oversee the event, she/he should seek help by contacting a representative from the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Club Advisor and/or Campus Safety for assistance.
  • Any damage that occurs to College property during an event will be billed directly to the host(s) organization if no one takes responsibility.

Mville Tickets

Mville Tickets Purchases:


All purchases made on are only eligible for a refund by completing a refund request by emailing within 48 hours prior to the event date. Any requests after 48 hours will not be refunded but are eligible for an exchange of another item of equal or lesser value. CSIL reserves the right to amend this policy and will provide proper information about any amendments prior to purchase.

Use of Campus Spaces

Student clubs/organizations must first complete an Event Registration Form found online. The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership will review and confirm all room requests.

Meeting and programming space available for events:

Residence Halls

There are several spaces throughout campus that can be reserved by student clubs/organizations. Student clubs/organizations will be required to complete a space reservation request through the College’s Room Reservation software, called AdAstra. Please contact the Office of Residence Life and Conference Services for specific instructions.

  • Spellman Lounge
  • Founder’s Lounge
  • Tenney Arcade
  • Dammann Pitt

Athletic Facilities

Athletic facilities available to student groups include the following:

  • Kennedy Gym
  • The Bubble
  • Field
  • Dammann Field
  • Tennis Courts
  • Swimming Pool
  • Practice Fields

Benzinger Hall

East Room 300
Pub 100

Berman Center

Space in Berman Center is available based on class needs. Please keep in mind that no loud events may take place in the lobby at the same time as a class or performance in the theater.

Theatre 235
Music Room 55
Lobby 50
Dance Studio 25

Brownson Hall and Music Building

Classrooms are available based upon class needs.


Rooms available in Reid Castle include:

East Library 90
O’Byrne Chapel/Great Hall 1199
Ophir Room 90
President’s Dining Room 15
Reid Study 15
West Room 200

Other Spaces to Reserve

Pius X Theatre 200 Music Department
Library Conference Room 15
EX Theater 100 Theater Department

Policies on Use of College Space

• Special arrangements must be made with CSIL and other offices in order to conduct an event prior to or beyond normal operating hours of the building and/or to decorate any of the facilities.

• The event may only use room(s) for their allotted time reservation. Reservation extensions must be confirmed with CSIL first.

• Any use of audio/video technology within rooms must be cleared with CSIL.

• Event organizers must be aware that all equipment and decorations (including event advertising materials, banners, posters, etc.) used in and for an event must be removed immediately after the event.

• Room furnishings CANNOT be moved in and out of the reserved space. Furniture may not be “borrowed” from nearby rooms. All boards must be erased clean and windows must be closed upon finishing.

• Any group that has reserved rooms and failed to use them or has shown disregard for equipment and facilities may be charged financially through their budget and/or denied further use of the rooms.

• All refuse and food/beverage leftovers must be removed and deposited in appropriate containers. Chartwells must be notified to collect food service equipment at completion of the event.

• All events held in residence halls must be in accordance with Quiet Hours that are observed between the hours of 1:00am and 10:00am on weekends and 10:00pm to 10:00am on weekdays. Courtesy Quiet Hours are in effect at all other times.

• The showing of films or videos in the areas listed above and all other “common” or “public” areas of Manhattanville campus must be approved by CSIL.

• The organization sponsoring an activity or event is responsible for the actions of guests and participants and must ensure that all applicable College regulations and state laws are upheld.

• Loose glitter may not be used as decorations at any time. Students must respect the physical space and College property at all times.

  • Any damage that occurs to College property while under a reservation/use will be billed directly to the host(s) organization(s) if no one takes responsibility.

General Guidelines
Persons making requests for space anywhere on campus should observe the following guidelines:

• All reservations must be made at least 3 weeks in advance via the completed Event Registration Form.

• Those requesting space involving food service should make preliminary arrangements with CSIL well in advance of the given event. All food/beverage requests must be approved by CSIL prior to the event. Chartwells is Manhattanville’s primary food provider and must supply food for events. Chartwells will contact CSIL if they authorize an outside food vendor.

• Generally, it is to the advantage of your club/organization to assign one person the responsibility for making and overseeing arrangements for College space use.

• When making arrangements for use of College space, it is important to detail as completely as possible all set-up needs that the event requires. Such items as chairs, tables, microphones, risers, lights, background music, etc. must be requested in advance of the event to ensure availability

Campus Advertising, Sales and Solicitation

This policy shall apply to all campus personnel, faculty, staff, students, student organizations and to any person, organization, or business wanting to use campus facilities, including all buildings, land and open spaces; the sale and distribution of products and services includes any method of marketing by way of direct selling or indirect selling, including the use of posters, flyers, handouts, or other promotional literature.

Use of Bulletin Boards and Postings/Flyers

The provisions governing the placement and removal of notices on Manhattanville bulletin boards and elsewhere on campus are as follow:

Bulletin Boards

The Manhattanville College community may publicize their events in designated areas throughout campus. All flyers and postings must be stamped by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL). The required stamp is to ensure that on-campus events are supported by Manhattanville College and comply with College policies and procedures.   Posters or flyers prepared by off-campus organizations, businesses or individuals must also receive approval from CSIL. Postings and/or flyers without a required stamp will be removed.  The name of the sponsoring organization must be clearly indicated on the poster or flyer.

Postings may be placed on bulletin boards, freestanding boards in Brownson, Benziger Hall and library;  the Game Zone and Commuter Lounge.  Postings are not allowed on outside walls, windows that obstruct views, entrance and exit doors, light fixtures, trees, trash receptacles, shrubs, utility poles and/or street signs on campus.  Attaching flyers with duct tape or any of type of glue is prohibited. 

Registered Clubs/Organizations

All registered clubs and organizations must submit their flyers to CSIL prior to their event for approval and stamp as a part of the event registration process. Once approved, all flyers and/or postings will then be forwarded to the Copy Center which will apply a digital stamp to your flyer.  Flyers may be submitted to Clubs and organizations may print no more than 30 copies (8.5x11) as that will provide you with enough flyers to use throughout campus. 


Campus and Faculty Departments

For designated areas outside the residence halls, a stamp can be obtained from either CSIL or the Copy Center. To post in all Residence Halls requires an approval stamp from the Office of Residence Life & Conference Services. Flyers can be directly sent to the Copy Center at for printing and designated stamp. You may also bring your flyers to the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership. This applies to Campus and Faculty departments only. All clubs and organizations must submit their flyer to CSIL first to receive approval. Flyers and posters may not be hung up around campus without a stamp. 

We request that advertising is put up approximately no earlier than two weeks before an event and removed within 24 hours following the event. Postings should be placed in designated areas only and should not cover current postings belonging to other organizations or individuals. The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership monitors the CSIL designated bulletin boards including those in Brownson Hall, the Game Zone and Commuter Lounge and Berman Center. 


All student clubs/organizations interested in chalking to advertise an upcoming event must talk to a staff member of the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership. CSIL will provide the club/organization approved chalk to use and indicate the approved locations for chalking, which includes the sidewalks on the Quad, Benziger patio outside the Pub, and Brownson Patio.

Dining Hall and Pub

Table tents and quarter sheets with the CSIL approval stamp are allowed in the Dining Hall and Pub. The recommended amount of quarter sheets is 40 to cover all the tables in the Dining Hall.

Chartwells is able to post some approved posters on the TV monitors in the Dining Hall. Please coordinate with CSIL regarding the ability to post on the monitors.

Outside Vendors

In order for outside vendors (individuals, businesses, or groups, including members of the Manhattanville College community acting as individuals or agents for such businesses or groups) to receive permission for a sales and/or solicitation permit at Manhattanville College, the following guidelines must be recognized and upheld:

1. Please contact our Events Coordinator in Residence Life & Conference Services, at 914-323-5217 at least two weeks in advance to reserve table space (pending permit approval) for sales and/or solicitation.

2. Vendor(s) are charged a fee of $75.00 per day, payable in advance of the vending date.

3. The College Bookstore and “College Ring Days” will receive priority in scheduling.

4. Unauthorized salespersons on campus will be considered trespassers and will be removed from campus and may be prosecuted.

5. Manhattanville has no commitment, financially or otherwise, to the solicitor.

6. The College may revoke a permit at any time. If granted, a vendor’s contract will be issued and must be carried by the salesperson(s) at all times while on campus.

7. If a vendor cancels a date two or more times within one academic school year, the college reserves the right to discontinue business with such vendor.

8. The sales and/or solicitations must not disrupt College activities. Flyers/advertisements may only be handed out from people sitting behind a registered table and only to people who approach the table to receive information. Vendors may not call out to others and may not approach and hand out flyers/advertisements to others (except as a planned part of an approved program), and must remain behind their table.

The Advertising Policy shall apply to all non-College entities and/or commercial business which desire to place advertising on Manhattanville College campus. Flyers, poster, etc. promoting business establishments containing advertising are banned. The prohibition also includes the placement on campus of non-College publications which contain advertising. Advertising of a private enterprise on campus is permitted only in approved campus publications, newspapers, magazines.

The College reserves the right to remove any sign/posting on display anywhere on College property that is considered to be not in support of the mission of the College. These include those postings considered in violation of College policies, including, but not limited to the College’s Non-Discrimination and Harassment policy, Sexual Misconduct Policy, and other applicable policies.

Student Group/Club

In order for student groups to receive permission for a sales and/or solicitation permit at Manhattanville College, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

• A representative of the student group must register with the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership to assist in publicity and scheduling and to register to whom profits will go.

• All sales must take place in an area designated by the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership.

• No sales may take place in residence halls.

• A limited number of permits will be granted for any one type of sale.

• The College Bookstore and “College Ring Days” will receive priority in scheduling.

• The College may revoke a permit at any time.

• The sponsoring group must have a representative present at the designated area at all times during the event.

• All money collected by clubs/organizations must be immediately brought to CSIL Monday-Friday from 9am – 5pm, or to Campus Safety after hours or on the weekends. Two members of the club/organization must complete a deposit form when depositing money. MONEY CANNOT BE KEPT OVERNIGHT.

• Money cannot be collected via the use of electronic transfer of funds applications (i.e. Venmo, Apple Pay, Paypal, Google Pay) without explicit permission, in writing, from the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership.

• The sale or distribution of food items must meet the requirements of Westchester Health Department- Food Safety Resources, which is available at Food for activities that are not catered by Chartwells Food Service must be approved in advance by the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership via the Event Proposal Form.

Homemade bake sales are not permitted.  If you are planning a bake sale, all food items must be store bought and/or prepackaged and cannot exceed $50.

• Any student who wishes to sell items on campus but is not sponsored by or supporting a student organization must follow the policies for outside vendors.

• The sales and/or solicitations must not disrupt College activities. Flyers/advertisements may only be handed out from people sitting behind a registered table and only to people who approach the table to receive information. Vendors may not call out to others and may not approach and hand out flyers/advertisements to others (except as a planned part of an approved program), and must remain behind their table.
Political Campaigning

Any student club/organization that seeks to solicit funds/donations from alumni, local or national businesses, and/or “friends to the College” must obtain approval from CSIL and the Office of Institutional Advancement prior to any solicitation.

Political Campaigning

The three major concerns in regard to campaigning are to protect rights of privacy, to protect the name of Manhattanville College, and to avoid soliciting funds on campus for political purposes. Therefore, the following policies have been established:

• An information table may be set up in public areas outside the Bookstore upon approval from the designated College staff member.

• There may be no door-to-door canvassing or display tables in residence halls, administrative or academic areas.

• Voter registration sign-up tables are the exception because this is a drive to promote civic responsibility and is non-partisan.

• The name “Manhattanville” may not be used in connection with any political purposes.

• Implied approval by Manhattanville for any political candidate may not be used.

• There can be no effort to solicit funds for a campaign. If donations for campaign paraphernalia are requested, it is understood that this is voluntary.