In this course, we study the impact of globalization on societies and institutions in and around the Mediterranean, the intersection of Europe, Africa and Asia. Throughout history, this region has been dynamic culturally, economically, and politically through cultural exchanges between the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Arabic, Berber, and Turkish peoples to name a few. This land has been the conduit for the trade of goods, ideas, technology and culture for thousands of years linking Asia, Africa and Europe. Here east meets west, ancient cultures are influenced by modern waves of globalization and unique traditions are either lost or preserved. Globalization has created a world where businesses and markets can no longer operate independent of culture. Maintaining identities, culturally and economically, while participating in global markets, has influenced the way international business is conducted today. This course provides a context in which we can begin to address the historical, political, and economic relationship between countries are in or influence the Mediterranean region. We plan to uncover what connects these countries, while appreciating their differences historically, culturally and politically.
Acceptance into program and completion of
GBL 1330
Course Types
Society; Civilization; Experiential Learning Requirement
Offered winter
Application and acceptance required. Additional travel fee is required.