2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog

SOCI - Sociology

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SOCI 110 Contemporary Society

Students will understand their personal life in relation to broader social structures and change. This awareness is accomplished through the application of the sociological perspective to human interactions, relationships, groups, and social institutions.



SOCI 120 Aging and Society

Introduction to the study of aging (gerontology) within a multi disciplinary perspective. The significance of individual aging, the interaction among age cohorts, and the effects of aging on social institutions will be examined in the national and global context. Readings, lectures, and experiential learning will be utilized.


Cross Listed Courses

GERO 120

SOCI 210 Sociology of Families

A sociological examination of family dynamics with emphasis upon the development of the self, interaction patterns in mate selection, marriage and parenthood; and the effects of social class and ethnicity upon the family. The focus is upon contemporary American society with attention to historical and cross-cultural comparisons.



SOCI 220 Social Gerontology

In addition to a thorough examination of theoretical perspectives on aging, the course will also address other social dimensions of the aging experience. Special emphasis will be devoted to social roles and life events while exploring the interrelatedness of aging and social institutions (health, politics, economics, religion, and family).



Cross Listed Courses

GERO 220

SOCI 230 Medical Sociology

A survey of the relationship between social cultural backgrounds and medical and health practices. Topics include the socio-cultural context of illness; role of medical specialists in modern society; and the hospital as a social organization. Applies toward Gerontology minor.



SOCI 235 Gender, Work and Family

Although Americans tend to think of gender, work and family only in terms of private experience, these actually constitute three distinct but closely interconnected social systems which have profound impact on the life experiences of everyone. The course will examine the historical connections among these social institutions as well as the changes that have occurred and are occurring.



Cross Listed Courses

GENS 235

SOCI 240 Deviance and Social Control

An examination of the social processes and structures related to deviation from the norms of society. Attention will be focused on the following kinds of questions: How and why do certain persons and kinds of behavior come to be designated as deviant? What are the consequences of these processes? What methods are used to prevent and/or control deviance and what are the consequences of these methods?



SOCI 250 Delinquency and Crime

Introduces student to the problems of crime and delinquency, especially the nature and extent of crime, theories of criminal behavior and social response to crime.



SOCI 260 Sociology of Gender

Examines the various ways in which gender is a basic component of social organization in contemporary and traditional societies and the ways in which this aspect of society is currently undergoing change.



SOCI 270 Introduction to Archeology

The course is organized around the broadest possible definition of archeology: the study of artifacts in relation to human behavior at any time and place. Tracing the journey of humankind across two million years of evolution from crude chopping tools to high speed computers, archeology provides a framework for reading the stories of change from the material evidence. SOCI 270 or 271 may be counted toward the SOCI major, but not both courses.



Cross Listed Courses

ANTH 270

SOCI 271 Cultural Anthropology

An anthropological study of diverse cultures, past and present, focusing upon technologies and structure, kinship and family patterns, political relations, religious concepts, and artistic forms. SOCI 270 or 271 may be counted toward a SOCI major, but not both courses.



Cross Listed Courses

ANTH 271

SOCI 280 Race, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism

This course explores the dynamics of multicultural society. It takes a dual focus - one detailing the subjective processes of identity construction among diverse racial and ethnic groups and the other examining the experiences and consequences of discrimination and oppression. Particular attention will be paid to contemporary issues of multiculturalism.



SOCI 297 Topics:

Examples of possible topics courses: Rural Studies; Human Communities; Sociology of Religion; Social Change.



SOCI 320 Native American Social Systems

This course presents an "institutional" approach to Native American (specifically Lakota) society from pre-European contact to the present. It explores Lakota social institutions (political, economic, family, religious, and educational systems) prior to European contact, and examines the impact of non-Indian structures on the historical development of Lakota social institutions. This course fulfills the State of South Dakota's teacher certification requirement.



Cross Listed Courses

NAST 320

SOCI 340 Social Inequality

An examination of social stratification which primarily explores the intersection of social class, race-ethnicity, and gender. Primary emphasis is on the system of stratification within the United States. Students will understand how these inequalities interact by exploring historical and contemporary realities of these inequalities from the voices of marginalized groups. Students will also examine classical and contemporary theoretical explanations and current solutions offered for social inequalities.



SOCI 350 Social Science Research Methods

An interdisciplinary approach to basic social science research methods. The course introduces students to the several research methodologies used within the social sciences. Students participate in all stages of a research project.



Cross Listed Courses

ECON 350; GOVT 350; PSYC 350

SOCI 360 Sociological Theory

This course presents a survey of the major European and American social theorists and theories of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Theories are tools that help sociologists understand their lives, communities, and place in history. The goal is to help students develop both an appreciation for the ideas of specific "great thinkers" and develop their skills in thinking theoretically. The course emphasizes the theoretical knowledge, application, and development.



SOCI 395 Internship

Internship in Sociology related field.



SOCI 397 Topics:

Examples of possible topics courses: Rural Studies; Human Communities; Sociology of Religion; Social Change.



SOCI 398 Honors in Sociology

Individual research project to earn Sociology Department Honors.
