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ACCT - Accounting
ADED - Adult Education
ADMN - Administration
APHS - Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
ATHP - Athletic Training
BFIN - Finance
BINT - International Business
BLAW - Business Law
BMGT - Management
BMKT - Marketing
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
COMM - Communication Arts
CRIJ - Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership
DBA - Business Administration
DPT - Physical Therapy
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDKE-Education Kinesiology
EDLD - Educational Leadership
EDRD - Literacy Education
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - General Education
EVAL - Program Evaluation
GRAD - Graduate Studies
HADM - Healthcare Administration
HCAD Healthcare Administration
HCSC Healthcare Sciences
HIED - Higher Education
INDR - Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INEE - International Education and Entrepreneurship
KEHP - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MIS - Management Information Systems
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
OPT - Optometry
ORGD - Organizational Development
ORGL - Organizational Leadership
PHAR - Pharmacy
PMBA - Business Administration
PMIN - Pastoral Institute
PSYC - Psychology
PUHL - Public Health
SMGT - Sport Management
VISC - Vision Science
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2021-2022 Graduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
/ OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
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OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
OMED 5650
Gastrointestinal System, Nutrition, Appetite
OMED 5820
Musculoskeletal Touch and Personhood
OMED 5830
Molecules, Cells, Compassion
OMED 5840
Host Defense and Communication
OMED 5910
Essentials and Emergency Medical Technician
OMED 5930
Board Preparation
OMED 6035
Endocrine Reproduction Respect
OMED 6045
Mind, Brain and Behavior
OMED 6065
Circulation, Respiration and Regulation
OMED 7200
Medical Knowledge Consolidation
OMED 7400
Readiness for Clerkship
OMED 7600
General Internal Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7610
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship
OMED 7620
Pediatrics Core Clerkship
OMED 7630
Behavioral Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7640
Emergency Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7650
General Surgery Core Clerkship
OMED 7660
Family Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7670
Osteopathic Longitudinal Integrated Core Clerkship
OMED 7680
Medically Underserved Core Clerkship
OMED 7690
Hospital Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 8201
Aerospace Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8202
Business of Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8203
Cardiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8204
Critical Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8205
Emergency Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8206
Endocrinology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8207
Gastroenterology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8208
Geriatric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8209
Hematology Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8210
Hospital Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8211
Hospital/Palliative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8212
Infectious Disease Elective Clerkship
OMED 8213
Nephrology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8214
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8215
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Elective Clerkship
OMED 8216
Pain Management Elective Clerkship
OMED 8217
Pathology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8218
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective Clerkship
OMED 8219
Pulmonary Elective Clerkship
OMED 8220
Rheumatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8221
Sports Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8222
Urgent Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8223
Wound Care/Hyperbaric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8301
Readiness for Residency
OMED 8401
Public Health Elective Clerkship
OMED 8402
Telemedicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8403
Advanced Anatomy and Radiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8404
Aerospace Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8405
Anesthesiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8406
Business of Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8407
Cardiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8408
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Elective Clerkship
OMED 8409
Critical Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8410
Dermatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8411
Developmental Pediatrics Elective Clerkship
OMED 8412
Emergency Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8413
Endocrinology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8414
Family Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8415
Gastroenterology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8416
General Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8417
Geriatric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8418
Geriatric Psychiatry Elective Clerkship
OMED 8419
Gynecologic Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8420
Hematology Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8421
Hospital Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8422
Hospital/Palliative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8423
Infectious Disease Elective Clerkship
OMED 8424
Integrative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8425
Internal Medicine Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8426
Medical Humanities Elective Clerkship
OMED 8427
Neonatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8428
Nephrology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8429
Neurology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8430
Neurosurgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8431
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8432
Obstetrics & Gynecology Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8433
Ophthalmology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8434
Orthopedic Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8435
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Elective Clerkship
OMED 8436
Otolaryngology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8437
Pain Management Elective Clerkship
OMED 8438
Pathology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8439
Pediatric Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8440
Pediatric Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8441
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective Clerkship
OMED 8442
Plastic Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8443
Pulmonary Elective Clerkship
OMED 8444
Rheumatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8445
Rural Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8446
Sports Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8447
Urgent Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8448
Urology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8449
Wound Care/Hyperbaric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8450
Fundamentals of Medical Spanish for Osteopathic Medical Students Elective Clerkship
OMED 8451
Intermediate Medical Spanish for Osteopathic Medical Students Elective Clerkship
OMED 8452
Research Elective Clerkship
OMED 8601
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
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Course Descriptions