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Programs of Study
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Programs
Master's Programs
Doctoral Programs
Graduate Certificate Programs
Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ADED - Adult Education
ADMN - Administration
APHS - Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
ATHP - Athletic Training
BFIN - Finance
BINT - International Business
BLAW - Business Law
BMGT - Management
BMKT - Marketing
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
COMM - Communication Arts
CRIJ - Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership
DBA - Business Administration
DPT - Physical Therapy
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDKE-Education Kinesiology
EDLD - Educational Leadership
EDRD - Literacy Education
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - General Education
EVAL - Program Evaluation
GRAD - Graduate Studies
HADM - Healthcare Administration
HCAD Healthcare Administration
HCSC Healthcare Sciences
HIED - Higher Education
INDR - Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INEE - International Education and Entrepreneurship
KEHP - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MIS - Management Information Systems
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
OPT - Optometry
ORGD - Organizational Development
ORGL - Organizational Leadership
PHAR - Pharmacy
PMBA - Business Administration
PMIN - Pastoral Institute
PSYC - Psychology
PUHL - Public Health
SMGT - Sport Management
VISC - Vision Science
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2021-2022 Graduate Catalog
/ Course Descriptions
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Course Descriptions
ACCT 5388
Accounting Internship
ACCT 6301
Reporting Accounting Positions
ACCT 6310
Accounting Concepts and Issues
ACCT 6311
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 6318
Ethics for Accounting and Business
ACCT 6330
International Accounting
ACCT 6333
Problems in Tax Practice
ACCT 6334
Forensic Accounting
ACCT 6335
Law for Accountants
ACCT 6336
Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 6337
Managing and Accounting for Investments
ACCT 6338
Sustainability Performance and Reporting
ACCT 6339
Business Communication
ACCT 6340
Advanced Financial Reporting
ACCT 6341
Advanced Managerial Accounting
ACCT 6342
Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations
ACCT 6343
International Financial Reporting Standards, Accounting
ACCT 6345
Federal Tax Research
ACCT 6348
Advanced Auditing
ACCT 6350
Problems in Accounting
ACCT 6355
Estate, Trust and Gift Taxation
ACCT 6388
Accounting Internship
ACCT 6399
Selected Topics
ACCT 7311
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 7318
Ethics for Accounting and Business
ACCT 7333
Problems in Tax Practice
ACCT 7340
Advanced Financial Reporting
ACCT 7341
Advanced Managerial Accounting
ACCT 7348
Advanced Auditing
ACCT 7399
Selected Topics
ADED 6370
College Teaching
ADED 6381
Adult Learning and Development
ADED 6382
Adult Literacy Education
ADED 6384
Contemporary Issues in Adult Education
ADED 6385
Methods and Strategies in Adult Education
ADED 6386
Educational Gerontology (Education of the Older Adult)
ADED 6387
Program Development in Adult Education
ADED 6388
Effective Teams and Groups
ADED 6390
Practicum in Adult Education
ADED 6398
Independent Study
ADED 6399
Selected Topics
ADED 7198
Independent Study in Adult Education
ADED 7370
College Teaching
ADED 7381
Adult Learning and Development
ADED 7382
Adult Literacy Education
ADED 7384
Contemporary Issues in Adult Education
ADED 7385
Methods and Strategies in Adult Education
ADED 7386
Educational Gerontology (Education of the Older Adult)
ADED 7387
Program Development in Adult Education
ADED 7388
Effective Teams and Groups
ADED 7390
Practicum in Adult Education
ADED 7398
Independent Study
ADED 7399
Special Topics
ADMN 6310
Accounting Concepts and Issues
ADMN 6360
Management Concepts and Issues
ADMN 6375
Strategic Planning and Policy
Thesis Research Continuation
Thesis Research Continuation
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Research
APHS 6130
Liquid Dosage Forms
APHS 6131
Sterile and Biopharmaceutical Dosage Forms
APHS 6150
Research Laboratory Rotations
APHS 6170
Selected Topics in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
APHS 6171
APHS 6180
Selected Topics in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
APHS 6232
Solid and Semi-Solid Dosage Forms
APHS 6240
Research Methods in Drug Development
APHS 6260
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
APHS 6280
Selected Topics in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
APHS 6310
Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
APHS 6320
Principles of Pharmacology
APHS 6390
Pharmaceutical Sciences Internship
ATHP 5114
Athletic Training Leadership I
ATHP 5122
Pathopharmacology Applications in Athletic Training
ATHP 5213
Foundations of Athletic Training - Lab
ATHP 5221
Clinical Practice in Athletic Training I
ATHP 5222
Emergency Applications
ATHP 5231
Clinical Practice in Athletic Training II
ATHP 5233
Evaluation of the Upper Extremity, Cervicothoracic Spine, and Head
ATHP 5322
ATHP 5323
Orthopedic Conditions and Anatomy of the Upper Extremity, Cervicothoracic Spine, and Head
ATHP 5333
Orthopedic Conditions and Anatomy of the Lower Extremity and Lumbar Spine
ATHP 5335
Patient Case Management I
ATHP 5336
Interventions I
ATHP 5412
Foundations of Athletic Training
ATHP 6156
Interventions Lab
ATHP 6167
Capstone Project in Athletic Training
ATHP 6242
Evidence-Based Practice
ATHP 6243
Evaluation of the Lower Extremity and Lumbar Spine
ATHP 6251
Clinical Practice in Athletic Training III
ATHP 6252
Administrative Aspects in Athletic Training
ATHP 6261
Immersive Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATHP 6262
Psychosocial Interventions in Athletic Training
ATHP 6264
Athletic Training Leadership II
ATHP 6355
Patient Case Management II
ATHP 6356
Interventions II
BFIN 6303
Funding Organizational Performance
BFIN 6320
Financial Management
BFIN 6321
International Finance
BFIN 6325
Seminar in Personal Financial Planning
BFIN 6330
Financial Cases and Problems
BFIN 6340
Econometrics for Finance
BFIN 6385
Investment Seminar
BFIN 6399
Selected Topics
BFIN 7320
Financial Management
BFIN 7321
International Finance
BFIN 7330
Financial Cases and Problems
BFIN 7340
Econometrics for Finance
BFIN 7385
Investment Seminar
(Capstone) Seminar in International Business
BINT 6311
International Business
BINT 6312
International Economics
BINT 6321
International Finance
BINT 6325
European Union Trade and Relations
BINT 6330
International Accounting
BINT 6338
Sustainability Performance and Reporting
BINT 6339
Business Communication
BINT 6340
International Relations
BINT 6360
United States and Mexico Trade Relations
BINT 6361
International Marketing
BINT 6370
Strategic International Advertising
BINT 6372
International Business Law
BINT 6380
Strategic Importing
BINT 6385
Contemporary Issues in Global Trade
BINT 6390
Seminar in International Business
BINT 6398
Independent Study
BINT 6399
Special Topics
BINT 7311
International Business
BINT 7312
International Economics
BINT 7321
International Finance
BINT 7340
International Relations
BINT 7361
International Marketing
BINT 7372
International Business Law
BLAW 6306
Strengthening Stakeholder Responsibility
BLAW 6350
Employment Law
BLAW 6372
International Business Law
BLAW 6399
Selected Topics
BLAW 7372
International Business Law
MBA Capstone
BMGT 6301
MBA Cornerstone
BMGT 6302
Leveraging the Best in People
BMGT 6307
Investigating Business Solutions
BMGT 6309
Delivering Customer Value
BMGT 6310
Sustain Strategic Advantage Capstone
BMGT 6311
Managing People and Organizations
BMGT 6338
Sustainability Performance and Reporting
BMGT 6339
Business Communication
BMGT 6340
Business Research and Quantitative Analysis
BMGT 6365
South Canyon Leadership Challenge
BMGT 6370
Project Management I
BMGT 6371
Special Topics in Management
BMGT 6375
Project Management II
BMGT 6380
Quantitative Methods in Business
BMGT 6390
(Capstone) Cases in Management Problems
BMGT 6399
Selected Topics
BMGT 6691
Integrated Nursing Management Problems
(Capstone) Cases in Management Problems
BMGT 7311
Human Resource Management
BMGT 7340
Business Research and Quantitative Analysis
BMGT 7370
Project Management I
BMGT 7380
Quantitative Methods in Business
BMGT 7390
Cases in Management Problems
BMKT 6311
Marketing Management
BMKT 6334
Services Marketing
BMKT 6355
Digital Media for Marketing
BMKT 6361
International Marketing
BMKT 6365
Brand Management
BMKT 6375
Marketing Research
BMKT 6398
Independent Study in Marketing
BMKT 6399
Selected Topic in Marketing
BMKT 7311
Marketing Management
BMSC 6130
Medical Spanish
BMSC 6135
Professional Development Seminar I
BMSC 6140
Healthcare Quality Improvement and Performance Measurement
BMSC 6150
Professional Development Seminar II
BMSC 6175
Capstone Project
BMSC 6220
Health Humanities
BMSC 6245
Research Methods and Design I
BMSC 6250
Research Methods and Design II
BMSC 6305
Introduction to Bioethics
BMSC 6310
Success Skills: Strategies for Studying and Lifelong Learning
BMSC 6315
Advanced Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
BMSC 6325
Biomedical Physiology
BMSC 6330
Foundational Patient Care and Clinical Skills
BMSC 6335
BMSC 6350
BMSC 6375
Capstone Project (non-thesis)
BMSC 6420
Human Anatomy I
BMSC 6425
Microbial Pathogenesis
BMSC 6430
Human Anatomy II
Thesis Research
Thesis Research
COMM 6198
Directed Studies in Communication Arts
COMM 6298
Directed Studies in Communication Arts
COMM 6301
Communication Theory
COMM 6302
Media Ethics
COMM 6303
Principles of Writing for the Media
COMM 6304
Aesthetics of Visual Perception
COMM 6307
Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication Arts
COMM 6308
Writing and Research Techniques
COMM 6309
Communication Research Methods
COMM 6315
Seminar in Film Studies
COMM 6322
Seminar in Media Studies
COMM 6323
Advanced Media Writing
COMM 6327
Seminar in Bilingual Communication
COMM 6332
Seminar in Convergent Media
COMM 6337
Seminar in Communication Studies
COMM 6338
Seminar in Media and Culture
COMM 6339
Seminar in Multimedia
COMM 6342
Seminar in Strategic Communications
COMM 6345
Practicum in Specialized Area of Study
COMM 6398
Directed Studies in Communication Arts
COMM 6399
Selected Topics
Communication Capstone
Communication Capstone
CRIJ 6301
The Psychology of Criminal Justice Leadership
CRIJ 6302
Managing Controversies: The Courage to Lead
CRIJ 6303
Ethical Decision Making: Understanding Biases and Public Perception
CRIJ 6304
Assessing Crime, Criminal Justice and the Community
CRIJ 6305
Public Personnel Management and Practice
CRIJ 6306
Crisis Communication in Critical Operations
CRIJ 6307
Leadership Coaching: Principles and Practices
Leadership Capstone Project
DBA 8310
Business Ethics
DBA 8315
Qualitative Research
DBA 8320
Corporate Financial Decision-Making and Value Creation
DBA 8325
Quantitative Research and Analysis
DBA 8330
Survey Design, Development, and Deployment
DBA 8335
Business Operations and Process Improvement
DBA 8340
Writing for Publication and Presentation
DBA 8345
Marketing Research and Analysis
DBA 8350
Research Design and Analysis
DBA 8355
Practical Econometrics and Decision-Making
DBA 8360
Contemporary Global Issues, Trade, and Investment
DBA 8365
Business Strategy, Simulation, and Integration
DBA 9300
Culminating Experience
DPT 5115
Professional Critical Self-Reflection 1
DPT 5126
Selected Topics: Interprofessional Education
DPT 5299
Selected Topics
DPT 5312
Patient/Client Management 1
DPT 5313
Foundational Sciences 1
DPT 5322
Patient/Client Management 2
DPT 5323
Foundational Sciences II
DPT 5511
Physical Therapy Reasoning 1
DPT 5514
Professional Topics I
DPT 5521
Physical Therapy Reasoning 2
DPT 5524
Professional Topics 2
DPT 5529
Selected Topics
DPT 6115
Professional Critical Self-Reflection 2
DPT 6119
Capstone I
DPT 6212
Patient/Client Management 3
DPT 6311
Physical Therapy Reasoning 3
DPT 6312
Patient/Client Management 3
DPT 6313
Foundational Sciences 3
DPT 6314
Professional Topics III
DPT 6318
Professional Practice Education I
DPT 6322
Patient/Client Management 4
DPT 6323
Foundational Sciences 4 Lab A & B
DPT 6514
Professional Topics 3
DPT 6519
Selected Topics
DPT 6521
Physical Therapy Reasoning 4
DPT 6524
Professional Topics 4
DPT 7115
Professional Critical Self-Reflection 3
DPT 7119
Capstone II
DPT 7222
Patient Client Management IV
DPT 7224
Professional Topics
DPT 7312
Patient/Client Management 5
DPT 7313
Foundational Sciences 5 Lab A&B
DPT 7511
Physical Therapy Reasoning 5
DPT 7514
Professional Topics 5
DPT 7518
Professional Practice Education 1
DPT 7628
Professional Practice Education 2
DPT 8115
Professional Critical Self-Reflection 4
DPT 8119
Capstone III
DPT 8229
DPT 8818
Professional Practice Education III
ECON 6305
Competing in a Global Economy
ECON 6311
Managerial Economics
ECON 6312
International Economics
ECON 6314
Price and Income Theory
ECON 7311
Managerial Economics
ECON 7312
International Economics
EDEC 6305
The Developing Child
EDEC 6310
Programs and Trends in Early Childhood Education
EDEC 6324
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Environment for the Young Child
EDEC 6335
Balanced Literacy in Early Childhood
EDEC 6339
Applied Research in Play
EDEC 6375
Literature for Children and Young Adults
EDEC 6391
Foundations of Literacy
EDEC 7335
Balanced Literacy in Early Childhood
EDKE 6377
Instructional Development in Physical Education
EDKE 6378
Biomechanics in Human Performance
EDKE 6381
Topics in Exercise Physiology and Fitness
EDKE 7377
Instructional Development in Physical Education
EDKE 7378
Biomechanics in Human Performance
EDKE 7379
Adapted Physical Education and Sport
EDKE 7381
Topics in Exercise Physiology and Fitness
EDLD 6347
EDLD 6348
School Leadership
EDLD 6349
Instructional Leadership
EDLD 6350
School Finance, Policy and Law
EDLD 6351
School/Home/ Community Relations
EDLD 6388
Leadership Practicum I
EDLD 6389
Leadership Practicum II
EDLD 7347
EDLD 7348
School Leadership
EDLD 7349
Instructional Leadership
EDLD 7350
School Finance, Policy and Law
EDLD 7351
School/Home/ Community Relations
EDLD 7388
Leadership Practicum I
EDLD 7389
Leadership Practicum II
EDRD 6391
Foundations of Literacy
EDRD 6393
Approaches to Reading Assessment
EDRD 7393
Approaches to Reading Assessment
EDSP 6363
Survey of Exceptionalities
EDSP 7363
Survey of Exceptionalities
Clinical Teaching
EDUC 6301
Introduction to Educational Research
EDUC 6302
Introduction to Quantitative Research
EDUC 6303
Counseling Techniques in Higher Education
EDUC 6304
Theories of Learning
EDUC 6305
Multicultural Concepts in Education
EDUC 6306
Philosophical Foundations in Education
EDUC 6307
Critical Theory in Education
EDUC 6308
Leaderships, Ethics, Profession in Education
EDUC 6309
Legal Issues in Student Affairs
EDUC 6310
Technology in Education
EDUC 6312
Writing for Publication
EDUC 6313
Teaching and Learning in Elementary Settings
EDUC 6314
Disciplinary Literacy and the English Learner
EDUC 6315
Assessment in the Classroom
EDUC 6316
Models of Teaching
EDUC 6317
Curriculum Design for Elementary Settings
EDUC 6318
Disciplinary Literacy and the English Learner
EDUC 6319
Academic Writing for Research
EDUC 6321
Pedagogy in the Elementary School
EDUC 6322
Assessment Tools for Teaching
EDUC 6323
Integrative Pedagogy for Elementary
EDUC 6324
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Environment for the Young Child
EDUC 6325
Teaching and Learning in Secondary Settings
EDUC 6326
Behavioral Management
EDUC 6327
Curriculum Design for Secondary Settings
EDUC 6329
Teacher Apprenticeship
EDUC 6331
Seminar in Online and Blended Technology
EDUC 6333
Action Research
EDUC 6334
Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs
EDUC 6338
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
EDUC 6341
Developing Effective Training with Technology
EDUC 6343
Curriculum Leadership
EDUC 6344
Leadership and Technology
EDUC 6346
Organizational Theory and Development
EDUC 6348
Applied Leadership and Followership
EDUC 6351
Learning Technologies and Organizational Change
EDUC 6353
Supporting Teachers and Teaching
EDUC 6357
Trends and Issues in Technology
EDUC 6360
Methods and Materials of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
EDUC 6361
Clinical Teaching/Internship Seminar
EDUC 6369
Curriculum Design for Elementary Settings
EDUC 6372
The College Environment
EDUC 6373
Acquisition of a Second Language
EDUC 6376
Linguistics for the ESL Classroom
EDUC 6378
Reading and Writing in the ESL Classroom
EDUC 6379
Second Language Instruction Through the Content Areas
EDUC 6380
Practicum in TEFL/TEST
EDUC 6383
Professional Seminar in Student Affairs
EDUC 6394
Practicum in Student Affairs
EDUC 6398
Independent Study
EDUC 6399
Selected Topics
Capstone in Education
Capstone and Teacher Leadership
EDUC 7303
Counseling Techniques in Higher Education
EDUC 7304
Theories of Learning
EDUC 7305
Multicultural Concepts in Education
EDUC 7306
Philosophical Foundations in Education
EDUC 7307
Critical Theory in Education
EDUC 7309
Legal Issues in Student Affairs
EDUC 7312
Writing for Publication
EDUC 7319
Academic Writing for Research
EDUC 7333
Action Research
EDUC 7334
Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs
EDUC 7336
Technology and Today's Learner
EDUC 7338
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
EDUC 7344
Leadership and Technology
EDUC 7345
Theories of Change
EDUC 7346
Organizational Theory and Development
EDUC 7351
Learning Technologies and Organizational Change
EDUC 7352
Advanced Research Analytics
EDUC 7360
Cross-Cultural Comunication: Teaching in Other Countries
EDUC 7372
The College Environment
EDUC 7383
Professional Seminar in Student Affairs
EDUC 7394
Practicum in Student Affairs
EDUC 7398
Independent Study
EDUC 7399
Selected Topics
EDUC 8330
History and Philosophy of Higher Education
EDUC 8390
Law in Higher Education
EDUC 8395
Practicum in Higher Education
EDUC 8399
Selected Topic in General Education
EVAL 6310
Program Evaluation Theory
EVAL 6320
Program Evaluation Methods
EVAL 6390
Program Evaluation Practicum
EVAL 8310
Program Evaluation Theory
EVAL 8320
Program Evaluation Methods
EVAL 8390
Program Evaluation Practicum
GRAD 6010
Culminating Project Completion
GRAD 7010
Culminating Project Completion
Health Administration Capstone
HADM 6088
Health Administration Internship
HADM 6301
Healthcare Organization and Delivery
HADM 6302
Healthcare Economics
HADM 6303
Population Health and Epidemiology
HADM 6305
Healthcare Finance I
HADM 6306
Healthcare Finance II
HADM 6311
Human Resource Management In Healthcare
HADM 6315
Information Systems Management in Healthcare
HADM 6320
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Health Care
HADM 6330
Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare
HADM 6339
Business Communication
HADM 6340
Quality and Continuous Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
HADM 6350
Quantitative Analysis for Healthcare Managers
HADM 6360
Managing Healthcare Organizations
HADM 6370
Healthcare Marketing Management
HADM 6375
Healthcare Strategic Management
HADM 6380
Healthcare Policy
HADM 6390
Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
HADM 6399
Selected Topics
HADM 7311
Human Resource Management In Healthcare
HADM 7330
Health Law
HADM 7340
Quality and Continuous Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
HADM 7370
Healthcare Marketing Management
HCAD 6305
Healthcare Finance I
HCAD 6330
Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare
HCAD 6340
Quality and Continuous Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
HCAD 6360
Managing Healthcare Organizations
HIED 7398
Independent Study in Higher Education
HIED 8310
History and Philosophy of Higher Education
HIED 8320
Law in Higher Education
HIED 8325
Research in Comparative Educational Systems of the World
HIED 8330
Finance in Higher Education
HIED 8340
Strategic and Operational Planning in Higher Education
HIED 8350
Contemporary Issues in Higher Education
HIED 8390
Practicum in Higher Education
HIED 8398
Independent Study in Higher Education
INDR 6398
Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7198
Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7199
Selected Topics Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7298
Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7351
Social Science Statistics with SPSS
INDR 7371
Selected Topic in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7398
Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 7399
Selected Topics
INDR 8099
Selected Topic in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 8191
Preparation for the Qualifying Examination
INDR 8199
Independent Study
INDR 8310
Concepts of Leadership
INDR 8330
Belief Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
INDR 8350
Introduction to Inquiry
INDR 8351
Quantitative Research Methods and Statistical Analysis
INDR 8352
Applied Community Based Participatory Research
INDR 8353
Advanced Quantitative Design and Analysis
INDR 8355
Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis
INDR 8357
Advanced Qualitative Design and Analysis
INDR 8358
Generating New Knowledge in Qualitative Research Processes
INDR 8359
Mixed Methods
INDR 8360
Applied Survey Methods and Questionnaire Design
INDR 8361
Applied Ethnography in Fieldwork: Cultural Aspects of Community Engaged Research
INDR 8370
Ethics for the Professions
INDR 8375
Trends and Issues in Technology
INDR 8390
Advanced Research Methods and Instrumentation
INDR 9100
Dissertation Writing
INDR 9190
Final Dissertation Writing
INDR 9299
Selected Topic in Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INDR 9300
Dissertation Writing
INDR 9390
Final Dissertation Writing
INEE 7399
Selected Topics
INEE 8325
Research in Comparative Education
INEE 8335
Analysis of Belief Systems
INEE 8340
INEE 8345
International Organizations
INEE 8347
Economic Development for Entrepreneurship
INEE 8350
Research in Entrepreneurship
INEE 8355
Cultural Aspects of Research
INEE 8360
Contemporary International Issues
INEE 8387
International Internship
INEE 8388
Domestic Internship
INEE 8687
International Internship
INEE 8688
Domestic Internship
Capstone in Physical Education
KEHP 6350
Current Trends and Issues in Sport and Physical Education
KEHP 6360
Advanced Tests and Measurements
KEHP 6377
Instructional Development in Physical Education
KEHP 6378
Biomechanics in Human Performance
KEHP 6379
Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
KEHP 6381
Topics in Exercise Physiology and Fitness
KEHP 7350
Current Trends and Issues in Sport and Physical Education
KEHP 7360
Advanced Tests and Measurements
KEHP 7377
Instructional Development in Physical Education
KEHP 7378
Biomechanics in Human Performance
KEHP 7379
Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
KEHP 7381
Topics in Exercise Physiology and Fitness
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Research
MATH 6332
Introduction to Analysis
MATH 6334
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH 6336
Introduction to Number Theory
MATH 6338
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry
MATH 6355
History of Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 6361
Advanced Probability and Statistics I
MATH 6362
Advanced Probability and Statistics II
MATH 6363
Research Statistics
MATH 6364
Advanced Quantitative Research
MATH 6365
Statistical Methods I
MATH 6366
Statistical Methods II
MATH 6367
Categorical Data Analysis
MATH 6369
Design and Analysis of Statistical Experiments
MATH 6370
Mathematics Content and Pedagogy, K-5
MATH 6372
Integration of Mathematics and Science, K-5
MATH 6374
Applied Forecasting
MATH 6375
Mathematics Content and Pedagogy, 6-12
MATH 6376
Integration of Mathematics and Science, 6-8
MATH 6381
Integration of Mathematics and Science, 9-12
MATH 6382
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
MATH 6383
Survival Analysis
MATH 6384
Statistical Research
MATH 6385
Instructional Technology in Mathematics and Science
MATH 6388
Statistical Internship
MATH 6391
Practicum I
MATH 6392
Practicum II
MATH 6398
Independent Study
MATH 6399
Selected Topics
Capstone in Mathematics Teaching
Capstone in Mathematics
MATH 7363
Research Statistics
MATH 7364
Advanced Quantitative Research
Comprehensive Examination
MIS 6315
Information Systems Seminar
MIS 7315
Information Systems Seminar
OPT Elective
Spanish for Optometrists I & II
NURS 4265
Community Health Nursing Clinical Practicum
NURS 4365
Community Health Nursing
NURS 4460
Bridge to the MSN
NURS 6315
Resource Management for Nurse Leaders
NURS 6321
Nursing Theory for Advanced Practice
NURS 6323
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 6325
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 6331
Population Health Assessment
NURS 6333
Nursing Leadership and Theory
NURS 6337
Quality Improvement for Nurse Leaders
NURS 6341
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing
NURS 6347
Healthcare Economics and Financial Management
NURS 6355
Nursing Research and Theory
NURS 6358
Curriculum Development in Nursing
NURS 6361
Health Policy and Ethics for Nurses
NURS 6368
Teaching in Schools of Nursing/Institutions
NURS 6371
Aggregate Health III
NURS 6375
Advanced Organizational Leadership
NURS 6390
Informatics in HealthCare
NURS 6394
Clinical Nurse Leader Immersion
NURS 6399
Selected Topics
NURS 6435
Program Development and Evaluation
NURS 6452
Aggregate Health II
NURS 6457
Adult/Gerontology CNS III: Seminar and Preceptorship
NURS 6537
Adult Gerontology CNS I: Diagnosis and Management of Acute and Chronic Illness of Adults
NURS 6547
Adult/Gerontology CNS II: The Roles of the CNS
NURS 7225
Concepts of Evaluation and Dissemination
NURS 7240
Data Management and Analysis
NURS 7287
Psychiatric Clinical Seminar
NURS 7288
Clinical Skills Seminar
NURS 7309
Informatics in HealthCare
NURS 7315
Resource Management for Nurse Leaders
NURS 7320
Principles of Evidence-based Practice
NURS 7321
Nursing Theory for Advanced Practice
NURS 7323
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 7325
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 7331
Neurobiology and Pathogenesis of Psychiatric Disorders
NURS 7333
Advanced Psychopharmacology for the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
NURS 7337
Statistics for Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice
NURS 7340
Theoretical Issues with Culturally Diverse and Vulnerable Population Groups
NURS 7341
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing
NURS 7342
Clinical Practicum Bridge for DNP
NURS 7345
The Foundations for Doctor of Nursing Practice: Scientific Underpinnings of Practice
NURS 7355
Research for Evidence Based Practice
NURS 7358
Curriculum Development in Nursing
NURS 7360
Health Policy Analysis
NURS 7365
Doctor of Nursing Practice II: The Capstone
NURS 7368
Teaching in Schools of Nursing/Institutions
NURS 7370
Quality and Safety in Healthcare
NURS 7371
Project III: Evaluation and Sustainment
NURS 7372
Healthcare Economics and Finances
NURS 7373
Health Policy Leadership
NURS 7374
Clinical Inquiry for DNP
NURS 7375
Foundations for System Leadership
NURS 7381
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Professional Roles
NURS 7387
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7399
Selected Topics
NURS 7410
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice I: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7414
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice II: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7418
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice III: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7440
Epidemiology and Vulnerable Populations for Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 7447
Individual, Family, and Group Psychotherapy
NURS 7450
Integrated Behavioral Health and Family Systems
NURS 7460
Project I: Translation of Evidence
NURS 7461
Project II: Implementation of Evidence
NURS 7480
Family Nurse Practitioner I: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7482
Family Nurse Practitioner II: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7484
Family Nurse Practitioner III: Primary Care of Women (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7486
Family Nurse Practitioner IV: Primary Care of Children and Adolescents (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7487
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7488
Family Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7650
Evidence Based Methods and Practice I
NURS 7655
Evidence Based Methods and Practice II
NUTR 5470
Human Nutrition and Metabolism
NUTR 5477
Medical Nutrition Therapy II
Master’s Project
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Research
Master’s Project
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Research
Master’s Project
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Research
NUTR 6100
NUTR 6190
Practicum in Nutrition
NUTR 6200
Community Nutrition Practice
NUTR 6266
Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTR 6270
Applied Food Service Nutrition
NUTR 6273
Applied Community Nutrition
NUTR 6290
Practicum in Nutrition
NUTR 6300
Foodservice Management Practice
NUTR 6314
Advanced Nutrition Services Management
NUTR 6325
Advanced Nutrition I
NUTR 6330
Advanced Nutrition II
NUTR 6332
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease
NUTR 6342
Lifecycle Nutrition
NUTR 6352
Issues in Food and Nutrition
NUTR 6375
Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTR 6400
Clinical Dietetics Practice
NUTR 6434
Nutrition and Health Promotion Practice: Program Planning and Evaluation
NUTR 6464
Nutrition and Health Behavior
NUTR 6570
Applied Clinical Nutrition
Comprehensive Examination
OMED 5650
Gastrointestinal System, Nutrition, Appetite
OMED 5820
Musculoskeletal Touch and Personhood
OMED 5830
Molecules, Cells, Compassion
OMED 5840
Host Defense and Communication
OMED 5910
Essentials and Emergency Medical Technician
OMED 5930
Board Preparation
OMED 6035
Endocrine Reproduction Respect
OMED 6045
Mind, Brain and Behavior
OMED 6065
Circulation, Respiration and Regulation
OMED 7200
Medical Knowledge Consolidation
OMED 7400
Readiness for Clerkship
OMED 7600
General Internal Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7610
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship
OMED 7620
Pediatrics Core Clerkship
OMED 7630
Behavioral Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7640
Emergency Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7650
General Surgery Core Clerkship
OMED 7660
Family Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 7670
Osteopathic Longitudinal Integrated Core Clerkship
OMED 7680
Medically Underserved Core Clerkship
OMED 7690
Hospital Medicine Core Clerkship
OMED 8201
Aerospace Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8202
Business of Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8203
Cardiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8204
Critical Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8205
Emergency Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8206
Endocrinology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8207
Gastroenterology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8208
Geriatric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8209
Hematology Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8210
Hospital Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8211
Hospital/Palliative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8212
Infectious Disease Elective Clerkship
OMED 8213
Nephrology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8214
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8215
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Elective Clerkship
OMED 8216
Pain Management Elective Clerkship
OMED 8217
Pathology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8218
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective Clerkship
OMED 8219
Pulmonary Elective Clerkship
OMED 8220
Rheumatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8221
Sports Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8222
Urgent Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8223
Wound Care/Hyperbaric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8301
Readiness for Residency
OMED 8401
Public Health Elective Clerkship
OMED 8402
Telemedicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8403
Advanced Anatomy and Radiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8404
Aerospace Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8405
Anesthesiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8406
Business of Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8407
Cardiology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8408
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Elective Clerkship
OMED 8409
Critical Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8410
Dermatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8411
Developmental Pediatrics Elective Clerkship
OMED 8412
Emergency Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8413
Endocrinology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8414
Family Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8415
Gastroenterology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8416
General Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8417
Geriatric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8418
Geriatric Psychiatry Elective Clerkship
OMED 8419
Gynecologic Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8420
Hematology Oncology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8421
Hospital Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8422
Hospital/Palliative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8423
Infectious Disease Elective Clerkship
OMED 8424
Integrative Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8425
Internal Medicine Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8426
Medical Humanities Elective Clerkship
OMED 8427
Neonatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8428
Nephrology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8429
Neurology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8430
Neurosurgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8431
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8432
Obstetrics & Gynecology Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8433
Ophthalmology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8434
Orthopedic Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8435
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Elective Clerkship
OMED 8436
Otolaryngology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8437
Pain Management Elective Clerkship
OMED 8438
Pathology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8439
Pediatric Sub-Internship Elective Clerkship
OMED 8440
Pediatric Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8441
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective Clerkship
OMED 8442
Plastic Surgery Elective Clerkship
OMED 8443
Pulmonary Elective Clerkship
OMED 8444
Rheumatology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8445
Rural Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8446
Sports Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8447
Urgent Care Elective Clerkship
OMED 8448
Urology Elective Clerkship
OMED 8449
Wound Care/Hyperbaric Medicine Elective Clerkship
OMED 8450
Fundamentals of Medical Spanish for Osteopathic Medical Students Elective Clerkship
OMED 8451
Intermediate Medical Spanish for Osteopathic Medical Students Elective Clerkship
OMED 8452
Research Elective Clerkship
OMED 8601
Newborn Care Elective Clerkship
OPT 5129
Professional Optometric Practice II
OPT 5219
Professional Optometric Practice I
OPT 5223
Ocular Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
OPT 5225
Clinical Immunology and Histopathology
OPT 5313
OPT 5315
Fundamentals of Vision Science
OPT 5325
Clinical Physiology
OPT 5411
Clinical Optometry I
OPT 5412
Principles of Optics
OPT 5413
Human Anatomy and Histology
OPT 5421
Clinical Optometry II
OPT 5423
Clinical Ocular Anatomy and Physiology I
OPT 5522
Visual and Applied Optics
OPT 6125
Integrated Problem-Based Learning
OPT 6214
Clinical Internship I
OPT 6224
Clinical Internship II
OPT 6312
Clinical Opthalmic Optics
OPT 6315
Clinical Ocular Anatomy and Physiology II
OPT 6317
Organ Pathology
OPT 6318
General Pharmacology
OPT 6321
Clinical Optometry IV
OPT 6322
Contact Lens
OPT 6323
Pediatric Optometry
OPT 6326
Pathology Posterior Segment
OPT 6328
Ocular Pharmacology
OPT 6411
Clinical Optometry III
OPT 6414
Binocular Vision/Ocular Motility
OPT 6526
Pathology Anterior Segment
OPT 7105
Clinical Case Analysis
OPT 7107
Patient Care and Physical Diagnosis
OPT 7109
Research Methodology
OPT 7125
Advanced Topics Seminars
OPT 7202
Advanced Contact Lenses
OPT 7206
Pathology Posterior Segment II
OPT 7215
Advanced Vision Science with Clinical Application
OPT 7217
Clinical Medicine and Systemic Disease
OPT 7219
Professional Optometric Practice III
OPT 7306
Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management
OPT 7307
Vision Therapy
OPT 7313
Neuroophthalmic Disease
OPT 7316
Strabismus and Amblyopia Diagnosis and Management
OPT 7322
Low Vision Rehabilitation
OPT 7326
Ophthalmic Lasers and Surgical Procedures
OPT 7329
Legal Aspects & Public Health Optometry
OPT 7604
Clinical Internship III
OPT 7614
Clinical Internship IV
OPT 7624
Clinical Internship V
OPT 8201
Clinical Externship
OPT 8204
Speciality Clinical Rotations
OPT 8209
Professional Optometric Practice IV
OPT 8211
Clinical Externship
OPT 8214
Specialty Clinical Rotations
OPT 8219
Professional Optometric Practice IV
OPT 8221
Clinical Externship
OPT 8224
Specialty Clinical Rotations
OPT 8229
Professional Optometric Practice IV
OPT 8306
Comprehensive Clinical Management I
OPT 8316
Comprehensive Clinical Management II
OPT 8326
Comprehensive Clinical Management III
Master of Arts in Administration Capstone: Integrative Analysis of Organizational Development
ORGD 6320
Organizational Behavior and Learning
ORGD 6330
Foundations of Organizational Research and Assessment
ORGD 6340
Organizational Consulting
ORGD 6351
Foundations of Organizational Development
ORGD 6352
Organizational Development Interventions and Practices
ORGD 6355
Organizational Change
ORGD 6360
Leading Change
ORGD 7320
Organizational Behavior and Learning
ORGD 7330
Foundations of Organizational Research and Assessment
ORGD 7340
Organizational Consulting
ORGD 7351
Foundations of Organizational Development
ORGD 7352
Organizational Development Interventions and Practices
ORGD 7360
Leading Change
ORGD 7370
Human Performance Improvement
Master of Science in Organizational Development and Leadership Capstone
ORGL 6301
Principles of Ethical Leadership
ORGL 6343
Strategic Leadership
ORGL 7338
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
ORGL 7344
Leadership and Technology
ORGL 7348
Applied Leadership and Followership
ORGL 7351
Learning Technologies and Organizational Change
ORGL 7381
Adult Learning and Development
ORGL 7399
Selected Topics
ORGL 8310
Concepts of Leadership
ORGL 8340
Organizational Policy Analysis & Design
ORGL 8360
Organizational Theory and Culture
ORGL 8370
Organizational Assessment & Survey Administration
ORGL 8371
Practicum in Organizational Leadership
ORGL 8399
Selected Topics
PHAR 3122
Pharmaceutics II
PHAR 3123
Pharmaceutics III
PHAR 3125
Pharmaceutics I Lab
PHAR 3127
Pharmaceutics II Lab
PHAR 3140
Introduction to Interprofessional Education
PHAR 3150
Ethics and Life Issues
PHAR 3157
Drug Information
PHAR 3170
Introduction to Pharmacy
PHAR 3221
Pharmaceutics I
PHAR 3224
Pharmaceutics IV
PHAR 3226
Pharmacy Calculations
PHAR 3230
Pharmacy Communications
PHAR 3230L
Pharmacy Communications Lab
PHAR 3232
Applied Pharmacy Care I
PHAR 3232L
Applied Pharmacy Care I Lab
PHAR 3235
Introduction to Pharmacy Care
PHAR 3235L
Introduction to Pharmacy Care Lab
PHAR 3237
Applied Pharmacy Care II
PHAR 3237L
Applied Pharmacy Care II Lab
PHAR 3353
Pharmacy and Health Care Systems
PHAR 3410
Physiology I
PHAR 3410L
Physiology I Lab
PHAR 3416
PHAR 3417
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
PHAR 3417L
Medical Microbiology and Immunology Lab
PHAR 3515
Physiology II
PHAR 3515L
Physiology II Lab
PHAR 4135
Dispensing Laboratory
PHAR 4152
Principles of Public Health for Pharmacists
PHAR 4221
Basic Pharmacokinetics
PHAR 4222
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
PHAR 4230
Patient Assessment
PHAR 4232
Applied Pharmacy Care III
PHAR 4232L
Applied Pharmacy Care III Lab
PHAR 4237
Applied Pharmacy Care IV
PHAR 4237L
Applied Pharmacy Care IV Lab
PHAR 4240
Introduction to Clinical Reasoning
PHAR 4245
Pharmacotherapeutics IV—Renal Disorders and Electrolytes/Fluids
PHAR 4247
Pharmacotherapeutics VI—Pulmonary Disorders
PHAR 4255
Pharmacy Law
PHAR 4258
Medical Literature Evaluation
PHAR 4342
Pharmacotherapeutics I—Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
PHAR 4344
Pharmacotherapeutics II—Introduction to Pharmacology
PHAR 4346
Pharmacotherapeutics III—DEENT Disorders (Dermatological, Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat)
PHAR 4351
Pharmacy Management and Leadership
PHAR 4361
Community Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 4426
PHAR 4543
Pharmacotherapeutics V—Cardiovascular Disorders
PHAR 5130
Applied Pharmacy Care
PHAR 5135
Applied Pharmacy Care VI
PHAR 5140
Applied Clinical Reasoning
PHAR 5146
Pharmacotherapeutics IX—Skeletal/Muscular Disorders
PHAR 5154
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences Laboratory
PHAR 5162
Pharmacy Residency Preparation
PHAR 5165
Directed Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHAR 5166
PHAR 5167
Directed Studies in Pharmacy Practice
PHAR 5170
Applied Biblical Studies: Pentateuch
PHAR 5171
Introductory Compounding with Laboratory
PHAR 5172
Introduction to General Toxicology
PHAR 5173
Review of New Drugs
PHAR 5174
Introduction to Clinical Toxicology
PHAR 5175
Alcohol and Drugs of Addiction
PHAR 5176
Overview of Medication Therapy Management
PHAR 5177
Clinical Mycology
PHAR 5178
Applied Biblical Studies: Gospels
PHAR 5179
Self-Care and Nonprescription Medication
PHAR 5180
Medical Missions
PHAR 5181
Medical Missions Experience
PHAR 5182
Tobacco Cessation
PHAR 5183
History of Pharmacy
PHAR 5184
Professional Compounding Centers of America Advanced Compounding
PHAR 5185
Geriatric Pharmacotherapy and Perspectives in Aging
PHAR 5186
Professional Compounding Centers of America Veterinary Compounding Laboratory
PHAR 5187
Pharmacist's Role in Weight Management
PHAR 5188
Veterinary Medicine
PHAR 5189
Prevention and Management of Drug-Induced Disease
PHAR 5190
Natural Dietary Supplements
PHAR 5191
Evidence-Based Communication
PHAR 5198
Introduction to Course Development and Delivery for Pharmacy Education
PHAR 5199
Selected Topics: Directed Studies in in Pharmacy Sciences
PHAR 5220
Spanish for Pharmacy I
PHAR 5232
Applied Pharmacy Care V
PHAR 5232L
Applied Pharmacy Care V Lab
PHAR 5237
Applied Pharmacy Care VI
PHAR 5237L
Applied Pharmacy Care VI Lab
PHAR 5244
Pharmacotherapeutics VII—Endocrine Diseases
PHAR 5245
Pharmacotherapeutics XI—Gastrointestinal Diseases
PHAR 5246
Pharmacotherapeutics IX—Skeletal and Muscle Disorders
PHAR 5249
Medication Therapy Management
PHAR 5250
Pharmacoeconomics, Quality, and Safety
PHAR 5258
Medical Literature Evaluation
PHAR 5261
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience II
PHAR 5265
Directed Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHAR 5267
Directed Studies in Pharmacy Practice
PHAR 5271
Advanced Diabetes Management
PHAR 5272
Research Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHAR 5273
Women’s Health Issues
PHAR 5274
FSOP Immunization Training
PHAR 5275
Nutrition Support for Pharmacists
PHAR 5276
Landmark Studies
PHAR 5277
Introduction to Global Health Pharmacists
PHAR 5278
Palliative Care and End of Life Issues
PHAR 5279
Translational Research in Infectious Diseases
PHAR 5280
Overview of Critical Care Disorders and Treatment
PHAR 5281
Overview of Internal Medicine
PHAR 5282
Yin and Yang of Natural Diet Supplements
PHAR 5283
Prevention and Management of Drug-Induced Diseases
PHAR 5284
Advanced Compounding with Laboratory
PHAR 5285
Non-Feik School of Pharmacy Immunization Training
PHAR 5286
Advanced Pediatric Health Issues
PHAR 5287
Health Leaders
PHAR 5288
Stress Management: Mindfulness and Wellbeing
PHAR 5289
Medical Disaster Preparedness
PHAR 5290
American Pharmacists Association Diabetes Certificate Training Program The Pharmacist and Patient-Centered Diabetes Care
PHAR 5291
Antimicrobial Stewardship
PHAR 5292
Acute Care Medicine Elective (ACME)
PHAR 5298
Introduction to Course Development and Delivery for Pharmacy Education
PHAR 5299
Selected Topics: Directed Studies in Pharmacy Sciences
PHAR 5347
Pharmacotherapeutics XII—Neoplastic Disorders
PHAR 5350
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes
PHAR 5358
Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation
PHAR 5361
Institutional Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 5365
Directed Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHAR 5367
Directed Studies in Pharmacy Practice
PHAR 5372
Interprofessional Study Abroad for Healthcare Professionals
PHAR 5385
Veterinary Compounding
PHAR 5386
Professional Compounding Centers of America Veterinary Compounding with Laboratory
PHAR 5398
Introduction to Course Development and Delivery for Pharmacy Education
PHAR 5399
Selected Topics: Directed Studies in in Pharmacy Sciences
PHAR 5443
Pharmacotherapeutics X—Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
PHAR 5444
Pharmacotherapeutics VIII—Endocrine Disorders
PHAR 5542
Pharmacotherapeutics VII—Infectious Diseases
PHAR 6099
Selected Topics
PHAR 6101
Pharmacotherapy Conference
PHAR 6199
Pharmacotherapy Conference
PHAR 6301
Pharmacotherapeutic Seminar
PHAR 6650
Community Care—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 6652
Hospital/Health-System—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 6654
Ambulatory Care—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 6656
Acute Care General Medicine—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 6660
Patient Care Elective—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHAR 6670
Non-Patient Care Elective—Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PMBA 6309
Applied Human Resource Management
PMBA 6310
Managerial Accounting and Control Systems
PMBA 6311
Managerial Finance
PMBA 6312
Quantitative Methods and Research
PMBA 6313
Managerial Economics and Decision-Making
PMBA 6314
Management of Information Technology
PMBA 6315
Leading Organizations and Human Resources
PMBA 6316
Strategic Marketing, Communications, and Research
PMBA 6317
Global Strategy, Policy, and Regulation
PMBA 6320
PMBA 6321
Portfolio Management
PMBA 6322
Real Estate Investments
PMBA 6330
Applied Data Analysis
PMBA 6331
Forecasting Methods in Business
PMBA 6332
Data Management
PMBA 6340
Metrics and Measures of Human Resources
PMBA 6341
Strategic Human Resources Management
Pastoral Project
PMIN 6155
Foundations of Christian Leadership
PMIN 6156
Principles of Youth Ministry
PMIN 6157
Skills for Christian Leadership
PMIN 6158
Practices of Youth Ministry Developing Youth Ministry
PMIN 6159
Pastoral Care of Youth
PMIN 6160
Evangelization and Catechesis of Youth
PMIN 6161
Prayer and Worship with Youth
PMIN 6162
Justice and Service with Youth
PMIN 6199
Selected Topics
PMIN 6299
Selected Topics
PMIN 6310
Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
PMIN 6311
Introduction to New Testament
PMIN 6312
PMIN 6314
Wisdom Literature
PMIN 6315
Synoptic Gospels and Acts
PMIN 6317
Johannine Literature
PMIN 6319
Pauline Literature
PMIN 6320
PMIN 6322
PMIN 6328
Sacraments and Liturgy
PMIN 6332
Spirituality and Ministry
PMIN 6333
Christian Tradition 150-1600
PMIN 6334
Moral Theology
PMIN 6336
Christian Tradition—Trent to Vatican II
PMIN 6339
Christian Tradition in the Americas 1500—Present
PMIN 6346
Healthcare Ethics
PMIN 6349
Catholic Social Teaching
PMIN 6350
Introduction to Pastoral Studies
PMIN 6352
Program Planning and Evaluation
PMIN 6354
Basic Counseling Concepts for Pastoral Ministers
PMIN 6356
Marriage and Family Theory for Pastoral Ministers
PMIN 6358
Leadership of Public Prayer
PMIN 6360
Leadership in the Christian Community
PMIN 6364
Internship in Spiritual Direction
PMIN 6366
Canon Law for Lay Ecclesial Ministers
PMIN 6372
Intercultural Competencies for Pastoral Ministry
PMIN 6373
Mission Leadership and Management
PMIN 6376
Religious Charisms and Christian Mission
PMIN 6380
Theory and Methods of Catechesis
PMIN 6382
Directing Parish Catechesis
PMIN 6384
Culture and Catechesis
PMIN 6386
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
PMIN 6388
Youth and Young Adult Catechesis
PMIN 6399
Selected Topics
Clinical Pastoral Education
PSYC 5301
Introduction to Graduate Learning in Psychology
PSYC 5302
Advanced Principles of Industrial / Organizational Psychology
PSYC 5310
Organization Theory
PSYC 5311
Foundations of Sport Psychology
PSYC 5312
Work Motivation
PSYC 5313
Testing in the Workplace
PSYC 5314
Performance Enhancement
PSYC 5315
Human Factors
PSYC 5318
Psychology of Learning
PSYC 5319
Advanced Educational Psychology
PSYC 5320
Advanced Psychological Research Methods
PSYC 5321
Behavior Modification and Theory
PSYC 5322
Media and Technology in Education
PSYC 5323
Psychology of Problem Solving and Creativity
PSYC 5325
Psychology of Injury
PSYC 5350
Applied Sport Psychology
PSYC 5380
Advanced Biopsychology
Master’s Thesis Proposal
Master’s Thesis Research
PSYC 6320
Developmental Issues and Instruction
PSYC 6323
Behavioral Disorders and Adjustment
PSYC 6324
Standards and Ethics in Psychology
PSYC 6325
Standards and Ethics in Educational Psychology
PSYC 6335
Personnel Psychology
PSYC 6341
Psychometric Theory
PSYC 6345
Workplace Motivation
PSYC 6350
Advanced Quantitative Methods
PSYC 6354
Motivation in Sport and Exercise
PSYC 6355
Advanced Inferential Statistics
PSYC 6356
Lifespan Sport and Exercise Psychology
PSYC 6360
Diversity in Organizations
PSYC 6373
Assessment and Testing in Workplace Psychology
PSYC 6385
Cultural Diversity in Psychology
PUHL 6301
PUHL 6302
PUHL 6303
Environmental Health
PUHL 6304
Public Health Policy and Management
PUHL 6305
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health
PUHL 6306
Community-Oriented Primary Care
PUHL 6307
War and Public Health
PUHL 6308
Program Planning and Evaluation
PUHL 6309
Rural Health and Aging
PUHL 6310
Global Health
PUHL 6311
Climate Change and Public Health
PUHL 6312
Public Health Nutrition
PUHL 6601
Capstone--Public Health
Capstone in Sport Management
SMGT 6360
Research in Sport Management
SMGT 6365
Leadership in Sport Organizations
SMGT 6370
Psychosocial Aspects of Sport Activity
SMGT 6375
Sport Governance and Legal Issues in a Global Environment
SMGT 6380
Sport Management, Administration and Finance
SMGT 6382
Human Resources in Sport Management
SMGT 6384
Leadership and Organization in Sport Management
SMGT 6386
SMGT 6390
Research and Decision Analysis in Sport Management
SMGT 6392
Current Practices and Issues in Sport Management
SMGT 7380
Sport Management, Administration and Finance
SMGT 7382
Human Resources in Sport Management
SMGT 7384
Leadership and Organization in Sport Management
SMGT 7390
Research and Decision Analysis in Sport Management
VISC 6115
Genomics Medicine
VISC 6125
Teaching In Vision Science
VISC 6220
Ocular Physiology
VISC 6240
Functional Neuroanatomy
VISC 6245
Research Methodology and Thesis Development
VISC 6305
Fundamentals of Vision Science
VISC 6310
Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility
VISC 6335
Clinical Ocular Anatomy
VISC 6450
MS In Vision Science Research and Thesis 4.0
VISC 6530
Visual and Applied Optics
VISC 7115
Genomics Medicine
VISC 7125
Teaching In Vision Science
VISC 7220
Ocular Physiology
VISC 7240
Functional Neuroanatomy
VISC 7245
Research Methodology and Dissertation Development
VISC 7305
Fundamentals of Vision Science
VISC 7310
Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility
VISC 7335
Clinical Ocular Anatomy
VISC 7530
Visual and Applied Optics
VISC 8550
Dissertation Research, Analysis and Writing
Up one level
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog