
Professors:  Tim McDowell, Denise Pelletier, Andrea Wollensak; Associate Professors: Nadav Assor, Chris Barnard (Dept. Chair), Greg Bailey, Pamela Marks; Assistant Professors: Amanda Russhell Wallace; Adjunct Instructors: Cozzens, Dimmock, Hoffman.

The department of art offers a wide variety of studio disciplines designed to provide instruction in a liberal arts context. These courses promote and provide methods for students to communicate ideas in visual form. The department provides students with a broad knowledge of theory and technique, allowing for creative and intellectual development in exciting and diverse media incorporating traditional tools and methods and computer applications and new technologies.

The Curriculum

The Studio Art department at Connecticut College provides a framework for the study of visual expression. This is done through the creation and analysis of images and objects. Our program is based in studio practice fostering student and teacher interaction in creative and reflective processes. Within the various media offered for study, both majors and non-majors learn the process of art making, from conceptual and perceptual skills to the techniques of production and evaluative critique. It is the belief of the faculty that this engagement is of vital importance to all students. In our increasingly visual culture, visual literacy has become a necessity. In addition, the challenges of learning to master difficult techniques, participation in the process of critique, the development of creative problem solving skills, and objective self-assessment are of broad value to all liberal arts students.

Studio Practice: In addition to regularly scheduled classes, it is expected that art students spend significant time doing studio work on assignments and in perfecting their ideas and craft. Your teacher will indicate expectations at the start of the semester. Cummings Art Center is widely available for this extra work anytime classes are not in session during the week, evenings, and on weekends. Students are expected to follow proper studio etiquette and respect facilities and equipment. The interaction of students outside of class, sharing ideas, and solutions to problems is valuable and encouraged by the departments. Senior majors are provided a workspace for the development of their senior exhibitions. The department schedules special events such as visiting artists, films, and critiques on Wednesdays and all students are advised to make special note of these activities.

Level One: Foundations

Introductory courses (100-level) offer the beginning student experience in a variety of media and subject matter. The sequence of foundation courses is designed to develop fundamental studio skills and an understanding of visual thought process. Course content will include demonstrations and critique sessions and equally important, the manipulation of a variety of materials. Course content and approach will differ from section to section or class to class, but in each the common goal is to introduce students to the ideas, techniques, and vocabularies of producing visual art.

Level Two: Practice and Application

Level two courses (200-level) offer students exposure to a range of techniques and an opportunity to build skills in specific media areas. Students begin a development of personal approaches to subject matter, visual literacy, historical perspectives, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Level Three: Concept and Media Development

Level three courses (300-level) offer students further study or individual projects in specific or cross media. Studio work is subject-based with a focus on content development and personal direction. Students continue study in visual literacy, historical and contemporary perspectives, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Level Four: Concept Realization and Communications

Level four courses (400-level) offer students advanced individual or interdisciplinary study with a focus on concept realization, self-reflective evaluation, critical thinking, and research. Students pursue self-generated creative work with emphasis on content development and an awareness of the universality of art.

Art Courses