
Professors: Forster, Paxton, Queen, Stock; Associate Professors: Chhabria, Garofalo, Kane; Assistant Professor: Accardi; Visiting Assistant Professors: Desloge, Swagler; Associate Professor Garofalo, chair

The major in History consists of ten or more history courses.  To acquire regional breadth, students take a course each in four of six regional areas: United States, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East, Africa, Asia (East Asia and South Asia). All History majors take HIS 241 The Historian’s Craft and at least one Global History course. The History Department encourages foreign language study and interdisciplinary work; therefore, majors may elect to count one upper-level language course, an additional course in another discipline which enhances their focus in History, and up to two courses taken during study away towards the major if approved by the major adviser. Majors are strongly encouraged to undertake internships, research, and especially Honors Study in the senior year.

History Courses