
English—Bachelor of Arts

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Website: Department of English

College/School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 

Apply to UIW: Application for the Bachelor of Arts in English

Bachelor of Arts in English

The Bachelor of Arts in English degree program prepares students for graduate school, law school, and for numerous careers in the corporate world. To this end, advanced courses in Rhetoric and Technical Communication focus on practical applications to daily life and business.

Additionally, our thriving Creative Writing emphasis prepares students for MFA programs and professional opportunities. We offer a wide variety of courses in professional and technical communication, literary analysis, and creative writing which can be tailored to complement the other interests of each student. The skills that students learn in our classes are not found elsewhere in that our courses focus on abstract critical thinking and problem-solving skills that prepare them for an increasingly complex and demanding world.

Students in the English program can contribute to and edit the acclaimed journal Quirk; participate in Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, and INK: The English Club; and afford themselves opportunities to travel or study abroad.

A minimum of 121 credit hours are required to complete the Bachelor of Arts in English degree program.


Bachelor of Arts in English Degree Plan

The minimum GPA requirement for a student to progress towards a degree in English is a 3.0 in English and a 2.75 overall, beginning with the first semester at UIW. Every student who drops below 3.0 GPA is reported to the chairperson of the English Department and is placed on one semester of scholastic probation.

Special Topics Courses. From time to time, the English Department may offer a course that is unrelated to the courses described in this degree plan. Such courses will be widely publicized and offered as Special Topics.

Independent Study. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may propose a course of study that is not covered by existing courses. If a faculty member is agreeable, the course or courses may then be arranged as an Independent Study. Independent Study is NOT intended as a way of replacing an incomplete course or one that has been closed.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 


English Coursework

A minimum of 39 credit hours of English coursework are required for the Bachelor of Arts in English degree program.

English Courses in the UIW Core

These courses, which are part of the UIW Core, are required elements of the Bachelor of Arts in English degree program.

ENGL 1311Composition I



ENGL 1311LComposition I



ENGL 1312Composition II



ENGL 2310World Literature Studies


Total Credit Hours:9


English Survey Coursework

Select 9 credit hours from this list of courses.

ENGL 3351British Literature I


ENGL 3352British Literature II


ENGL 3391American Literature I


ENGL 3392American Literature II


Total Credit Hours:9


English Emphasis Elective Options

Literary Studies and Criticism Emphasis

Select at least 6 credit hours from the Literary Studies and Criticism Emphasis.

ENGL 3330Genre Studies


ENGL 3340Women's Writing


ENGL 4320Period Studies


ENGL 4340/THAR 4385Major Authors


ENGL 4350Literary Movements


ENGL 3361Literary Theory


Total Credit Hours:6


Creative Writing Emphasis

Select at least 3 credit hours from the Creative Writing Emphasis.

ENGL 2375Introduction to Creative Writing


ENGL 3375Creative Writing


ENGL 4375Advanced Creative Writing


Total Credit Hours:3


Rhetoric and Professional Writing Emphasis

Select at least 3 credit hours from the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Emphasis.

ENGL 2365Professional and Technical Communication


ENGL 3305Advanced Composition


ENGL 3350Writing for Business


ENGL 3355Classical Rhetorical Theory


ENGL 3357Visual Rhetoric


ENGL 3360Rhetorical Criticism


ENGL 3363Ethics and Technical Communication


ENGL 3365Editing and Publishing


ENGL 3367Technical Editing


ENGL 3369Writing for the Web


ENGL 3370/BIOL 4399Writing for Science and Engineering


ENGL 4355Contemporary Rhetorical Theory


Total Credit Hours:3


English Elective Coursework

Select at least 6 additional credit hours of English elective courses chosen from any of the emphasis areas.

Total Credit Hours:6


Senior Seminar

ENGL 4301Senior Seminar


Total Credit Hours:3

General Elective Coursework

Elective coursework is needed to fulfill the 121 credit hour program requirement; of this, 27 credit hours must be from upper division coursework (courses numbered 3000 and above).

Total Credit Hours: 121