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Course Descriptions—SPS
ACC - Accounting
BIS - Business Information Systems
BLW - Business Law
COMP - Computer Literacy
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CYBR- Cyber Security
ECN - Economics
EDUC - Education
FIN - Finance
FYES First-Year Experience
GLB - Global Studies
HRES - Human Resources
HSCI - Health Science
LDST - Leadership Studies
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MSC - Management Science
NPT - Non-Profit Management
NUTR - Nutrition
OCTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
ORGC - Organizational Communication
ORGD - Organizational Development
PSYC - Psychology
PUAD - Public Administration
RESP- Respiratory Therapy
YCST - Youth and Community Studies
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
/ Course Descriptions—SPS
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Course Descriptions—SPS
ACC 2300
Survey of Accounting Concepts
ACC 2311
Financial Accounting
ACC 2312
Managerial Accounting
ACC 3310
Business Communications
ACC 3311
Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 3312
Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 3313
Cost Accounting
ACC 3314
Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 3315
Individual Income Tax
ACC 3316
Corporate Income Tax
ACC 3317
Accounting Information Systems
ACC 3318
Forensic Accounting
ACC 3321
Advanced Federal Income Tax
ACC 3345
Global Accounting
ACC 4311
Advanced Accounting
ACC 4313
Non-Profit and Government Entities Accounting Methods
ACC 4314
ACC 4318
Ethical Practices in Accounting
ACC 4325
Federal Tax Research
ACCT 4325
Tax Research
BIS 2321
Management of Information Systems
BIS 2325
Business Information Processing
BIS 2330
Computer Programming I
BIS 3330
Computer Programming II
BIS 3362
Business Systems Analysis
BIS 3363
Introduction to Databases and Systems
BIS 3367
Introduction to Telecommunications
BIS 4363
E-Business Solutions
BIS 4375
Information Security
BLW 3317
Legal Aspects of Business
COMP 1099
Introduction to Computers
COMP 1301
Computer Literacy/Business Applications
COMP 2120
Computers in Education
COMP 3120
Computer in Nursing
COMP 4198
Independent Study
COMP 4298
Independent Study
COMP 4398
Independent Study
CRIJ 1301
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306
Court Systems and Practices
CRIJ 1308
CRIJ 1325
CRIJ 2303
Introduction to Homeland Security
CRIJ 2310
Criminal Law and Procedure
CRIJ 2313
CRIJ 2328
Law Enforcement
CRIJ 2333
Juvenile Justice
CRIJ 3300
Public and private Security
CRIJ 3305
Managing the Correctional Client
CRIJ 3310
Juvenile Delinquency
CRIJ 3315
Legal and Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
CRIJ 3320
Probation and Parole
CRIJ 3330
Race, Gender, Ethnicity and the Law
CRIJ 3335
Civil Liability
CRIJ 3340
CRIJ 3343
Border and Critical Infrastructure Protection
CRIJ 3350
Correctional Administration
CRIJ 3360
Criminal Justice Administration
CRIJ 3370
Criminal Justice Research Methods
CRIJ 3380
Criminal Investigation
CRIJ 3390
Terrorism and Homeland Security
CRIJ 4300
Corporate Crime and Deviance
CRIJ 4303
Homeland Security Intelligence and Alert
CRIJ 4305
Cyber Crimes
CRIJ 4307
Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
CRIJ 4310
CRIJ 4315
Interviews and Interrogations
CRIJ 4320
Sex Crimes
CRIJ 4325
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
CRIJ 4330
Drugs and Crime
CRIJ 4335
Crisis Preparedness and Response
CRIJ 4340
Women in Criminal Justice
CRIJ 4350
Issues in Contemporary Corrections
CRIJ 4355
Juvenile Delinquency
CRIJ 4360
Juvenile Justice
CRIJ 4380
Criminal Justice Capstone
CRIJ 4390
Concepts of Self-Defense
CRIJ 4395
Internship in Criminal Justice
CYBR 2310
Foundations of Cyber Security
CYBR 2320
Business of Cyber Security
CYBR 3310
Cyber Psychology and Profiling
CYBR 3313
Network Security Management
CYBR 3320
CYBR 3325
Security Policy Analysis
CYBR 3330
Information Assurance and Security
CYBR 3335
Legal Issues in Cyber Security
CYBR 3345
Ethical Hacking
CYBR 4305
Security Policy Implementation
CYBR 4325
Cyber Threats and Detection
CYBR 4330
Emerging Technology Trends
CYBR 4340
Mobile Forensics Seminar
CYBR 4350
Cyber Crime Investigation and Forensics
CYBR 4355
Strategic Cyber Intelligence
CYBR 4360
Practical Applications of Cyber Security Management
ECN 2300
Survey of Economics
ECN 2301
ECN 2302
EDUC 2311
Adult Learning Theory and Practice
EDUC 2320
Introduction to Instructional Design
EDUC 2325
Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners
EDUC 2327
Assessment Strategies for Adult Learners
EDUC 3301
Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners
EDUC 3302
Assessment Strategies for Adult Learners
EDUC 3303
Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning
FIN 3315
Financial Modeling
FIN 3321
Business Finance
FIN 3322
Intermediate Business Finance
FIN 3325
Financial Markets
FIN 3355
Global Finance Markets
FIN 4355
Capital Budgeting Analysis
FYES 1211
First-Year Experience
GLB 3331
Analysis of Global Business Opportunities
HRES 3330
Human Resources and the Law
HRES 3340
Organizational Development
HRES 3350
HRES 3360
Training and Development
HRES 3370
Compensation and Benefits
HRES 3380
Performance Management
HRES 4350
Leadership in Organizations
HRES 4370
Organizational Development
HRES 4380
Capstone in Human Resource
HSCI 1110
Essentials of Medical Ethics and Law
HSCI 1305
Professional Workforce Preparation
HSCI 1310
Introduction to Administrative Medical Assisting
HSCI 1317
Healthcare Communication
HSCI 1320
Healthcare Organization Administration
HSCI 2310
Health Sciences I
HSCI 2312
Medical Terminology
HSCI 2315
Medical Coding
HSCI 2317
Medical Insurance Practice
HSCI 2320
Health Sciences II
HSCI 2322
Healthcare Data Management
HSCI 2325
Medical Style and Grammar
HSCI 2327
Introduction to the Electronic Health Record
HSCI 2330
HIPAA Compliance and Certification
HSCI 2332
Information Systems for the Health Sciences
HSCI 2335
Medical Transcription Technology
HSCI 2340
Information Technology and Systems
HSCI 2345
Third Party Payment Systems
HSCI 2355
Healthcare Ethics and the Law
HSCI 3305
Basic Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation
HSCI 3310
Healthcare Organizations and Administration
HSCI 3315
Introduction to Administrative Medical Assisting
HSCI 3317
Healthcare Communication
HSCI 3320
Healthcare Data Management
HSCI 3321
Information Systems in the Health Sciences
HSCI 3323
HSCI 3325
Principles of Health Education
HSCI 3330
Legal Issues in Healthcare
HSCI 3335
Introduction to Health Care in the US
HSCI 3337
Introduction to Health Care in the U.S.
HSCI 3340
Third Party Payment Systems
HSCI 3345
Health Care Financing
HSCI 3350
Epidemiology and Public Health
HSCI 3355
Healthcare Ethics and Law
HSCI 3365
Health Statistics, Biomedical Research, and Quality Management
HSCI 4307
Organizational Resources
HSCI 4310
Healthcare Policy
HSCI 4320
Biostatistics and the Health Sciences
HSCI 4330
Health Sciences Research Methods
HSCI 4340
Capstone in Health Sciences
HSCI 4355
Medicolegal Aspects of the Healthcare Record
HSCI 4360
Medical Transcription Practicum
LDST 3333
Ethical Leadership
LDST 3340
Global Leadership
LDST 3360
Leadership and Team Building
LDST 3390
Leadership and Communication
LDST 4310
Leadership and Conflict Resolution
LDST 4380
Leadership Studies Capstone
MGT 3340
Concepts and Functions of Management
MGT 3343
e-Business Model Development
MGT 3345
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations
MGT 3347
Project Management Method
MGT 3353
e-Business Technology Applications
MGT 3354
Theories and Concepts of Personnel Management
MGT 3356
The Process of Innovation
MGT 3357
Project Planning
MGT 3367
Leadership for Innovation
MGT 4340
Applied Management Practice
MGT 4343
eBusiness Strategies
MGT 4345
Small Business Management
MGT 4346
Quality Assurance
MGT 4347
Total Quality and Lean Management
MGT 4348
Supply Chain Management
MGT 4350
Funding Capitalization
MGT 4351
Relationships Between Business and Society
MGT 4353
eBusiness Mobile Infrastructure
MGT 4355
Organizational Behavior
MGT 4356
Organizational Change
MGT 4357
Project Leadership
MGT 4367
The Innovation Lab
MGT 4373
Operations and Organizational Efficiency
MGT 4375
Business Policy and Strategy
MGT 4390
Ethical Practices in Business
MKT 3320
Public Relations
MKT 3331
Introductory Marketing Concepts and Strategies
MKT 3333
Marketing Solutions
MKT 3335
Strategies of the Business Sales
MKT 3344
Service and Retail Marketing
MKT 3353
Social Media
MKT 3355
Marketing on the Internet
MKT 3356
Healthcare Marketing
MKT 3361
Global Marketing
MKT 3377
Marketing and Consumer Behavior
MKT 4365
Web Analytics
MKT 4375
Application of Market Research
MKT 4390
Managerial Functions of Marketing
MSC 3301
Statistical Decision Making
MSC 3370
Statistical Analysis of Business
MSC 3371
Models of Management Science
NPT 3310
Grant Writing and Fundraising
NPT 3320
Nonprofit Financial Management
NPT 3330
Volunteerism and Nonprofit Agencies
NPT 4310
Community Development
NUTR 2300
Introduction to Health Professions
NUTR 2310
Introduction to Nutrition Science
NUTR 2340
Food Culture and Disease in America
NUTR 2350
Nutr for Health/Fitness/Sport
NUTR 3300
Life Cycle Nutrition/Hlth Care
NUTR 3320
Public Health Nutrition
NUTR 3360
Integrated Approach to Weight Management
NUTR 4310
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology
NUTR 4320
Health and Nutrition Communication and Education Skills
OCTA 1310
Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy
OCTA 1510
Client Conditions
OCTA 1620
Client Evaluation/Assessment
OCTA 1625
Client analysis and Reasoning
OCTA 1720
Client Interventions
OCTA 2121
Anatomy and Physiology Lab for Occupational Therapy
OCTA 2130
Therapy Development/Practical Learning
OCTA 2321
Anatomy and Physiology for Occupational Therapy
ORGC 2310
Interpersonal Communications
ORGC 3310
Organizational Communication
ORGC 3320
Persuasive Communication
ORGC 4310
Communication and Decision Making
ORGD 3340
Organizational Development
ORGD 3350
Organizational Surveys
ORGD 3360
Teambuilding in Organizations
ORGD 3370
Total Quality Management
ORGD 3380
Work Design
ORGD 3390
Communication in Organizations
ORGD 3395
Organizational Change
ORGD 4330
Organizational Learning
ORGD 4350
Leadership in Organizations
ORGD 4360
Organizational Consulting
ORGD 4380
Capstone in Organizational Development
PSYC 2320
Scientific Literacy in Psychology
PSYC 2350
Development Psychology
PSYC 3310
Principles of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3315
Group Processes
PSYC 3320
Qualitative Methods
PSYC 3337
Practical Applications of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3380
Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 3450
Quantitative Methods
PSYC 3472
Learning, Memory and Cognition
PSYC 4305
Psychology of Leadership
PSYC 4310
Research Design
PSYC 4312
Personnel Psychology
PSYC 4315
Comparative Psychology
PSYC 4317
Psychology of Motivation and Performance
PSYC 4320
Health Psychology
PSYC 4322
Experimental Psychology: Perception
PSYC 4325
Experimental Psychology: Motivation
Capstone Project in Psychology
PUAD 2310
Introduction to Public Administration
PUAD 3310
Administrative Law
PUAD 3320
Public Fiscal Management
PUAD 4310
Economics of Public Administration
PUAD 4320
Intergovernmental Relations
PUAD 4330
Public Policy
PUAD 4390
Capstone in Public Administration
RESP 1110
Basic Life Support
RESP 1120
Basic Patient Assessment
RESP 1130
Community Health
RESP 1140
Health Communication
RESP 1150
Introduction to Research
RESP 1160
Medical Terminology
RESP 1220
Mechanical Ventilation I
RESP 1230
Respiratory Therapy Fundamentals I
RESP 1250
Clinical Practicum I
RESP 1260
Clinical Practicum II
RESP 1330
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology I
RESP 1340
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology II
RESP 1350
Mechanical Ventilation II
RESP 1421
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
RESP 1430
Respiratory Therapy Fundamentals II
RESP 2220
Airway Management
RESP 2230
Introduction to Microbiology
RESP 2240
Physical Assessment
RESP 2250
Respiratory Pharmacology
RESP 2310
Diagnostic Monitoring
RESP 3210
Advanced Concepts of Mechanical Ventilation
RESP 3220
Advanced Diagnostic Monitoring
RESP 3230
Advanced Respiratory Pharmacology
RESP 3250
Clinical Practicum III
RESP 3260
Clinical Practicum IV
RESP 3270
Clinical Practicum V
RESP 3280
Clinical Practicum VI
RESP 3290
Pulmonary Pathology
RESP 3320
Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
YCST 2301
Introduction to Youth and Community Studies
YCST 2305
Education in the U.S.
YCST 2320
Sociocultural Differences and Learning
YCST 2330
Families, Schools, and Communities
YCST 3310
Children and the Welfare System
YCST 3320
Applied Principles of Human Services for At-Risk Youth
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog