Learning Goals in the Theater Major

The major in theater exposes students to all aspects of dramatic production: acting, directing, design, technical theater, playwriting and dramaturgy, while providing a thorough grounding in dramatic literature and theater history. Through their course of study, students develop an understanding of how theater is created and a critical cultural context through which they can interpret performance in a nuanced and informed manner.

Our curriculum is designed to produce graduates who have achieved proficiency in the following areas:

Knowledge Of Theater

The Department of Theater invites students to study and work on all elements of theater so that they understand process of creating performance that illuminates the human condition. In addition, we expect that our students will understand the historical and cultural contexts from which varied theatrical forms and voices have emerged.

Through experience with critical and dramaturgical methods of research, students will learn how to consult a variety of sources and apply them to the creation and scholarship of theater. Primary areas of investigation include:

  • Visual sources
  • Professional Public performances
  • Historical and literary sources

Development of critical reading and writing skills will strengthen students’ abilities in these areas:

  • Knowledge of the canon
  • Script analysis
  • Critical models to develop aesthetic sensibility
  • Models of historical and literary analysis

Performing creative material develops students’ understanding of the art and craft of the theater. Components of this work include:

  • Studio and classroom explorations
  • Continuing faculty guidance throughout production process
  • Public discussion after opening night
  • Critiques for performance and technical students after each performance

Personal Development As An Outgrowth Of Theater

The Department of Theater encourages growth through the fulfillment of concrete tasks and responsibilities demanded of its practitioners. These tasks promote learning by:

  • Fostering collaborative skills and the ability to work as part of a team
  • Strengthening of presentational and leadership skills
  • Developing administrative skills
  • Giving opportunities to develop creative abilities
  • Enhancing aesthetic sensibilities

Citizenship In The Theatrical Community

Through completion of the major, students achieve an ethical awareness that will enrich both their artistic projects and other endeavors. Citizenship includes:

  • Fostering a dialogue with the college and the larger community
  • Presenting social concerns of a multi-cultural society and encouraging artistic dialogue about them
  • Discussing dimensions and facets of humanity presented through dramatic productions
  • Establishing life-long habit of theater attendance
  • Becoming an active patron of the arts