EGOB 3113 International Development (In English)

This course aims to provide students with a rounded understanding of key theories that inform thinking about development, a knowledge of the historical experience of development (especially early development experience, the legacies of colonialism and the evolution of thinking and practice on development since the end of World War II), and an understanding of some of the most significant policy debates about international development today. In doing so, it aims to integrate the concepts and perspectives of a range of social science disciplines to demonstrate how they can usefully be combined to further understanding of problems of development and change. In the first part, we give an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of development studies. We aim to place different analytical perspectives within a historical context. We know that some countries or regions are richer than others, but why is this?  How have different scholars thought about the issues, and where do things stand today?  In the second part, we delve into current policy issues, including those surrounding social policy, demographic transition, agrarian development, industrial development, international trade and globalization, environment and development, security/conflict and the role of development aid.

By the end of the course, students should have a comprehensive understanding of major problems and policy debates within the field of development and be able to use this understanding both in applied work on development, and in further research within development studies. Where possible I will integrate within our classs insights from our research and our experience in development practice. The broad nature of the course and the diversity of student experience and expertise means necessarily that each week some students will find themselves operating on ground that is familiar to them while others will be dealing with issues and concepts that are entirely new to them. By the end of the course we will share a common language, and each student in the revision process will be able to focus on issues, problems and themes that cut across all sections of the course.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
