Withdrawal from the Law School

A student who wishes to withdraw from the law school must submit a Withdraw form. The student will meet with Associate Dean for Academics before the University processes the withdrawal. If the student does not notify the Associate Dean for Academics in writing by the last day of classes in the term of their intent to withdraw, a failing grade will be entered for every class in which the student has not completed all course requirements. Once the study period and examinations have begun, a student may not withdraw except under extraordinary circumstances and with permission of the Associate Dean for Academics.

A student who withdraws from the Wilmington University School of Law will not be readmitted, except under extraordinary circumstances and with the permission of the Associate Dean for Academics, who may impose conditions of readmissions (e.g., medical documentation). In all other situations, the withdrawn student must reapply to the law school through the Admissions Office, which may also impose conditions of readmission.