Preparation for Class - Minimum Hours of Work Expected

For exam courses, students are expected to prepare a minimum of two (2) hours outside of class for each hour (calculated on a 50-minute basis) of in-class time. Note that the requirement of two (2) hours of out-of-class work per week per credit hour represents a minimum standard. If necessary to complete assignments, students are expected to spend whatever additional time is needed to complete the assigned work.

For seminars and writing intensive courses in which a paper is required, students are generally expected to work a minimum of two (2) hours outside of class for each hour (calculated on a 50-minute basis) of in-class time. Qualifying work outside of class includes preparing for class as well as researching, drafting, editing, and proofreading papers. The credits awarded may exceed the weekly time spent in regular classroom sessions in recognition of additional time allocated for preparation of a substantial paper.

For other academic activities such as clinical courses, field placements, independent studies, and moot court, students shall keep a log recording the amount of time spent on the activity. These time logs shall be submitted to and approved by the supervising faculty member to ensure that an appropriate number of credit hours is being awarded for the academic activity. In general, students are expected to devote a minimum of three (3) hours, per week, for each credit that is awarded.