ECE 391 Practicum II

Practicum II is a structured, field-based, semester-long exploratory clinical course that requires at least 60 hours of supervised classroom experience in an approved setting. Fieldwork is monitored by Wilmington University Practicum advisors and mentor teachers. Placement priority is given to settings that serve culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse student populations.  Fieldwork is supported by 30 hours of Practicum seminar sessions.

Practicum II requires the teacher candidate to implement, analyze and reflect on all aspects of professional practice in direct relation to current research, current professional standards and the Delaware Performance Appraisal System II.  Candidates will learn to explore decision-making processes through the application of knowledge and skills gained in the prerequisite courses.

Candidates in Practicum II will demonstrate their understanding of designing instruction and assessment for student learning.  Candidates focus on key elements within instructional design to create learning opportunities for PK-12 students that align to state and national standards.  Candidates analyze student assessment data to construct learning opportunities for PK-12 students emphasizing lesson modification and personalized learning.

Candidates analyze and reflect on their performance in teaching content lessons to PK-12 students with disabilities.  Candidates will plan, prepare and teach two lessons within an approved classroom setting, as well as working with individual students by utilizing the WILMU Teaching and Learning Roadmap.

Candidates must take the appropriate Praxis II Content Knowledge Examination by the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in Practicum II and designate Wilmington University as a score recipient. Praxis II must be passed prior to Student Teaching/Teaching Internship as a condition of entry into Student Teaching/Teaching Internship.




EDU 102, EDU 203 and ECE 390. On file with the Office of Clinical Studies; A Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report, and a TB/PPD report. Submitted into Taskstream a new completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form). A completed Practicum Fieldwork application in Taskstream by the deadlines of February 1 for placement in Fall and August 1 for placement in Spring.