Student Catalog and Handbook 2020-2021

Flyer Posting Guidelines

General Provisions

  1. Departments and officially registered campus organizations may post notices, handbills, non-commercial advertisements and posters on the bulletin boards located in the buildings and snack room bulletin boards.
  2. All postings with the College name and/or logo require prior approval by the department of Institutional Advancement.
  3. Those desiring to place notices on bulletin boards must have them approved by the Office of Student Life by filling out the Event & Poster Registration electronic form that can be found on the forms, policies and procedures page on the Student Life website:
  4. Do NOT post flyers on top of official WGTC advertisements.
  5. Notices, handbills, and posters are to be placed only on bulletin boards. They may not be taped to doors, windows, light posts, or walls (interior or exterior of buildings), or stapled to trees or placed on cars.
  6. All materials must have the name of the sponsoring department/student organization and the date of the event along with contact information printed on all materials, and must include the Title 9 statement.  All materials advertising social events must have beginning and ending times listed.
  7. Material should not contain any alcoholic words/pictures or any material that could be viewed as offensive. The Office of Student Life will have final authority regarding questionable flyers (i.e. parties, & nontraditional events, etc.).
  8. There is a TWO week maximum posting time unless approval is given for an extension by the Office of Student Life.
  9. Boards will be checked weekly for compliance.


  1. Posters are defined as standard poster boards not to exceed 14x24.
  2. Placement of posters is restricted to bulletin boards and must be fastened with tape or tacks.


  1. Handbills are any printed material smaller than 14 x 24.
  2. Handbills may not be distributed on campus; they must be posted on bulletin boards.
  3. Handbills may not be placed on cars.


  1. Any index sized (3 x 5) sheet may be used for personal advertising, including book sales.
  2. Commercial advertising is not permitted.

Posting by Off-Campus Groups

  1. All off-campus organizations must check with the Office of Student Life or Executive Director of Campus Operations before posting any material on any campus.
  2. Off-campus organizations must comply with the same guidelines set for campus organizations.

Posting by Individuals

  1. The privilege to post is extended to officially recognized campus organizations and departments only. Students are allowed to post book sales on index card sized sheets in designated areas in the Student Centers.
  2. All other individual posting is not allowed, unless specifically approved by the Office of Student Life.

NOTE: Some bulletin boards have been designated for use by certain organizations/departments. No other organization or individuals will be allowed to use these bulletin boards.