Student Catalog and Handbook 2020-2021

Heavy Diesel Service Technician Certificate (HD31)

The Heavy Diesel Service Technician certificate program provides training in theory, diagnosis, and repair of basic systems on diesel engines and diesel equipment. Program instruction includes shop safety, shop equipment, diesel engines and fuel systems, electrical and electronic systems, off road power trains, and heavy equipment hydraulics.

NOTE: Employers in this field look for applicants who have mechanical aptitude and strong problem solving skills. Technicians constantly receive updated technical manuals and instructions outlining changes in techniques and standards for repair. It is essential that technicians be able to read, interpret, and comprehend service manuals in order to keep abreast of engineering changes.

Career Opportunities

Graduates may find employment as entry-level diesel service technicians.

Credit Required for Completion: Minimum of 31 credit hours


Occupational Courses

DIET 1000Introduction to Diesel Technology, Tools, and Safety


DIET 1010Diesel Electrical and Electronic Systems


DIET 1030Diesel Engines



DIET 1040Diesel Truck and Heavy Equipment HVAC Systems



DIET 1050Diesel Equipment Technology Internship



DIET 2001Heavy Equipment Hydraulics


DIET 2011Off Road Drivelines