Student Catalog and Handbook 2020-2021

Grading System

The following grade system is used to report student progress in credit courses:

Grade Nature of Work Grade Points
A (90-100) Excellent 4
B (80-89) Good 3
C (70-79) Satisfactory 2
D (60-69) 1
F (Below 60) Failing 0
WF Withdrew Failing 0
I Incomplete Not Computed
NG No Grade Not Computed
AU Audit Not Computed
EX Credit by Competency Exam Not Computed
TR Transfer Credit Not Computed
W Withdrew Not Computed
Z  COVID - 19 withdraw Not Computed
AC Articulated Credit Not Computed

Learning support courses are graded on an A* through F* scale. The following learning support grades are not computed in a student’s institutional GPA but do apply toward the Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy.

A* = 90-100 Not Computed
B* = 80-89 Not Computed
C* = 70-79 Not Computed
D* = 60-69 Not Computed
F* = 00-59 Not Computed
WF* = 00-59 Not Computed