OMED 6045 Mind, Brain, and Behavior

This unit challenges learners to gain an understanding of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and related therapeutics, and to apply this knowledge in the care of the mind, body, and spirit of patients with neurological and psychiatric conditions. Learners study the structure and function of the brain and spinal cord and how alterations of these systems may affect the person’s physical and mental health. Using case-based learning in small and large group sessions, learners analyze central nervous system diseases and disorders and recognize common neurological and mental health issues. Cases include concepts of neurological processes, human development, psychopathology, and substance use. As part of their ongoing professional development as osteopathic physicians, learners examine the physical and behavioral complexities of caring for patients with neurological and psychiatric conditions. Stigma of chronic mental illness, social determinants of health, and relevant bioethical topics are also explored.
