EDUC 4905 Clinical Teaching

Clinical Teaching is the culmination of the professional development sequence required for Texas teacher certification. UIW students assume the role of clinical teachers and complete a full semester’s placement in partnership schools under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor. Clinical teachers assume responsibilities of the professional educator and therefore will follow the campus’ reporting expectations for teachers, including professional development, faculty meetings, department planning, parent-teacher conferences, as well as all teaching and campus duties. Placements are assigned by the assigned district/campus in conjunction with the UIW Director of Teacher Education. Students will be notified of reporting dates that align with the placement district’s calendar (dates may vary from the UIW calendar).

This course is completed in conjunction with the Clinical Teaching Seminar in the final semester of the professional development sequence required for Texas teacher certification throughout the placement, students will engage in an examination and analysis of teaching practices and professional expectations. The student must demonstrate proficiency in effective instructional design and delivery, classroom management, professional communication, and ongoing professional development.




Requires admission to the clinical teaching cohort; all other coursework must be completed prior to the beginning of the clinical teaching placement.


EDUC 4305


Fall, Spring