
Music Education (BM)

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Minor in All-Level Education is designed specifically to certify music educators who will teach in a public or private school system. In order to graduate, degree candidates will perform a public recital and will successfully complete a Student Teaching Internship. Prospective students must be able to read notated music and demonstrate appropriate technical proficiency in voice or on an instrument at the time of their entrance audition. Candidates must declare a performance focus of voice or a traditional band or orchestral instrument. The vocal track listed below is for students whose focus is voice. The instrumental track listed below is for all other Music Education majors. Currently, piano and guitar are not options as principal instruments in this degree plan. For more information on this program, contact Dr. Brett A. Richardson at: barichar@uiwtx.edu.

Major Requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a minor in All-Level Education:

101-105 credit hours in music, music education, and general education.  

The student combines the Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a minor in All Level Education. This degree may require up to ten semesters of study and results in all-level teacher certification at the undergraduate level.

A. 40 semester hours of musicianship:

MUSI 1110Freshman Music Seminar

MUSI 1191Aural Skills I

MUSI 1192Aural Skills II

MUSI 2193Advanced Aural Skills III

MUSI 2194Advanced Aural Skills IV

MUSI 1321Music Theory I

MUSI 1322Music Theory II

MUSI 2323Music Theory III

MUSI 3324Music Theory IV

MUSI 1111Keyboard Skills I

MUSI 1121Keyboard Skills II

MUSI 2110Keyboard Skills III

MUSI 2120Keyboard Skills IV

MUSI 3323Orchestration

MUSI 3341Music History I

MUSI 3342Music History II


MUSI 3348Studies in World Music


MUSI 3351Music in Asian Theater


MUSI 4323Form and Analysis

MUSI 4344Conducting

MUSI 1110 must be taken both fall and spring semesters during the freshman year.

B. 22 credit hours of Applied Music:

14 credit hours of the principal instrument (MUAP) in either Voice or one focused instrument:

Vocal track
MUAP 1176Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 1177Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 2276Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 2277Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 3276Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 3277Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 4276Private Instruction: Voice

MUAP 4277Private Instruction: Voice

Instrumental track
MUAP 1154Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 1155Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 2254Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 2255Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 3254Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 3255Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 4254Private Instruction: Instrumental

MUAP 4255Private Instruction: Instrumental

8 credit hours of a major ensemble:

Cardinal Band, Cardinal Chorale, Orchestra, or Wind Ensemble (See Ensemble Policies further in this section)

Note: All entering freshmen seeking the Music Education degree must register for a major ensemble.  


MUAP 4088Recital

Students seeking a B.M. in Music Education will perform a recital on their principal instrument during the final semester of their private instruction. See Recital Policies in the UIW Department of Music Student Handbook.

C. 14 credit hours of music education courses:

MUSI 3101Woodwind Instrumental Techniques

MUSI 3103Brass Instrumental Techniques

MUSI 3105String Instrumental Techniques

MUSI 3107Percussion Instrumental Techniques

MUSI 3344Creative Development in Music I

MUSI 3161Diction for Singers

MUSI 3261Vocal Pedagogy


MUSI 4110Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy


MUSI 4120Choral Methods


MUSI 4343Creative Development in Music II

D. Requirements for the Minor in All-Level Education:

Students should consult with the UIW Certification Officer (210-829-3132) for more details or changes concerning the minor in All-Level Education.

1. 6 credit hours Pre-Professional Requirements:

Admission into Teacher Education Program (no credit hours given)

2. 24 credit hours Professional Development Sequence:

Contact the teacher certification personnel in the Dreeben School of Education for specific information about the Teacher Certification Program requirements.

E. Core Curriculum

F. Electives to reach 120 semester hours, if needed