HADM 63CS Health Administration Capstone

The purpose of this course is to provide students the ability to synthesize the array of management principles and skills acquired during their MHA course of study. The capstone experience will provide the students the ability to critically analyze and compellingly communicate on a current management issue. The class is conducted as a consulting project in which the student works as part of a project team serving a client with specific needs. All students participate in the team as associate members and the professor serves as the team’s senior partner. While the professor will be available to provide guidance and assist the student, this is an opportunity to utilize individual talents and make the decisions necessary to produce a tangible and meaningful product for a client in an existing healthcare organization. Serving in a senior partner role, the professor will help to scope the project(s), ensure adequate breadth and depth of analysis, ask the tough questions, and ensure that the final product adds value to the client and enhances the reputation of the client organization and the University of the Incarnate Word. The professor will also serve as a quality assurance check at different stages of the consulting engagement including the final report and client out-briefs.
