Grades Appeal Process

Students who believe they have received an unfair grade must first meet with their instructor. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student shall have the right to appeal a decision in writing to the college or school dean, or a person designated by the dean, where the instructor resides. Students may obtain the formal appeals form from the office of the dean in whose college or school the instructor resides.

Students who have complaints about what they believe to be unfair treatment involving their academic work should contact the appropriate college or school dean. Unfair treatment applies to any act which may be perceived as either prejudiced or arbitrary in the evaluation of a student’s performance, or in the imposition of sanctions without regard for due process. The dean’s decision is final and there is no further appeal to another administrative officer.

To appeal a grade, students are to complete the following steps. (For forms, process, and procedures view Student Complaints Related to Faculty Decisions about Student Course Work: Forms and Process Packet)

Informal Meeting With the Instructor to Resolve a Complaint

The student should seek resolution of a complaint by talking to the instructor as soon as an incident of perceived unfair treatment occurs. After this step, the student may decide to initiate a Formal Conference for the record.

Formal Conference With the Instructor to Resolve a Complaint

The student is responsible for initiating a Formal Conference by completing Part I of the Conference Documentation Form obtained from the office of the dean in whose college/school the instructor resides.
  • The student completes Part 1 of the Documentation Form and then meets with the instructor within 10 school days of the alleged unfair treatment, or in the case of a final grade, before the beginning of the semester following the alleged unfair treatment. The student explains the complaint and attempts to resolve the matter with the instructor.
  • The instructor will sign the form acknowledging that there was discussion with the student about the complaint and indicate whether she/he is providing comments.
  • The instructor may provide written comments as an attachment to the complaint form. The comments must be provided to the student within three days of meeting with the student.
  • After the conference, the student completes Part 2 of the Documentation Form and signs the document.
  • The student delivers this form, and any written comments provided by the instructor, in a sealed envelope to the dean of the college/school in which the instructor resides.
The student may choose to bring an observer to the meeting. The role of observers is to provide support, but they may not actively participate in the conversation. If the student’s observer is also a lawyer, the faculty chair shall notify the dean and postpone the meeting until university counsel can be present and the dean will then chair the meeting.

Appeal to the College/School Dean

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student shall have the right to appeal a decision in writing to the dean or a person designated by the dean. The student completes the form called the Appeal Form for Student Complaints about Faculty Decisions and delivers it in a sealed envelope to the appropriate dean’s office within three school days of meeting with the instructor.
  • To begin the appeal process, the student completes the Appeal Form for Student Complaints about Faculty Decisions and attaches to the form a written statement a) of the complaint, b) the student’s perception of the results of the conference with the instructor, and c) reasons why the meeting did not resolve the matter of the alleged unfair treatment.
  • The dean shall meet with the instructor, and others as appropriate, to clarify the relevant facts and perceptions in the matter.
  • The dean shall meet with the student* to clarify the relevant facts and perceptions in the matter as described in the student’s written statement.
  • The dean then makes a decision on the matter.
  • As an alternative, the dean has the option of deciding to convene a review committee.
  • The dean creates a committee consisting of at least two faculty, and one of these, if possible, from the same department as the faculty being complained about, and a student (the SGA school senator is one possibility), who is not in the same course as the complainant. The dean shall appoint one of the faculty to chair the meeting.
  • The committee will meet with the student** and the instructor.
  • The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the dean who makes a decision on the matter.
  • The dean’s decision shall be communicated in writing to the student and the instructor within 10 school days of receipt of the student’s completed Appeal Form for Student Complaints about Faculty Decisions. The dean’s decision is final and there is no further appeal to another administrator or office.
The student may choose to bring an observer to the meeting. The role of observers is to provide support, but they may not actively participate in the conversation. If an observer is present, the dean may also choose an observer to be present. If the student’s observer is also a lawyer, the dean shall postpone the meeting until university counsel can be present.

Related Form

Student Complaints Related to Faculty Decisions about Student Course Work: Forms and Process Packet