Withdrawal From the University

Students who find it necessary to leave the university during a semester must complete the formal withdrawal process. Students who complete a semester and then are not able to return for the following semester must complete the withdrawal process only if they have already registered for the next semester. Students who withdraw from courses before the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W” (see semester schedule) shall receive a grade of W.

Students who fail to follow the proper withdrawal procedure will receive an F in all courses except in the cases of 1) an approved Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal, 2) an approved Maternity and Paternity withdrawal, and 3) a Military Withdrawal. As in the case of adding or dropping courses, informal notice to an instructor and/or advisor does not cancel registration or the student’s financial obligation to the university.

Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal

A medical or compassionate withdrawal request may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or injury (medical) or another significant personal situation (compassionate) prevents a student from continuing his or her classes, and incompletes (IP grade) or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible. Graduate students with an approved Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal shall receive a grade of W for all the courses they withdraw from, regardless of the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W.” Students who wish to re-enroll must submit the Graduate Application for Readmission to the Office of Graduate Studies no less than four weeks before the semester begins.

Maternity and Paternity Withdrawal

Students who must withdraw because of birth of a child, adoption or foster care, or any related conditions may be approved for Maternity and Paternity Withdrawal, contingent upon the submission of documentation from a health care professional. This documentation must confirm that a student is unable to engage in graduate study and should include a recommendation. Graduate students with an approved Maternity and Paternity Withdrawal shall receive a grade of W for all the courses they withdraw from, regardless of the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W.” Students who wish to re-enroll must submit the Graduate Application for Readmission to the Office of Graduate Studies no less than four weeks before the semester begins.

Military Withdrawal

A student who must interrupt study temporarily to fulfill a compulsory military obligation for a specific length of time will be granted a military leave of absence to fulfill that obligation. The student seeking a military leave of absence must provide the Office of Graduate Studies with written documentation from the appropriate military authorities, including dates of the period of obligation. Graduate students with an approved military withdrawal shall receive a grade of W for all the courses they withdraw from, regardless of the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W.” Students who wish to re-enroll must submit the Graduate Application for Readmission to the Office of Graduate Studies no less than four weeks before the semester begins.


Information on refunds for students who withdraw is provided in the Student Payment Policies section of this bulletin.

Readmission After an Withdrawal 

Graduate students who withdraw from the university for more than one semester must submit the Graduate Application for Readmission to the Office of Graduate Studies no less than four (4) weeks before the semester begins. Students applying for readmission following a Medical Withdrawal must also submit a letter of approval, to the appropriate office, from their health care professional confirming that the student is capable of returning to graduate study and proposing any medical limitations. Readmission may require that the student meet all the current qualifications (see the Graduate Bulletin current at the time of application) for reentry to that program.



Related Forms

Leave of Absence Form

Withdrawal Form
