Biology 4340 Sensory Neurobiology

This course aims to broadly investigate how we and other animals receive, process, and act on sensory information about the world around us. To do this we will study those sensory systems utilized by humans (somatosensation, olfaction, gustatory, visual, and auditory). We will also introduce the intersection between these senses and the neural systems that mediate them. One of the major themes of the course is the connection between emotion, memory, and learning to sensation. Readings will discuss neural pathways responsible for a sensory event while highlighting recent discoveries in the field as it relates to neuronal/cellular function and cognition.


class='sc-courselink' href='/en/catalogs/university-of-the-incarnate-word/2020-2021/catalog/x-main-campus-courses/biol-biology/1000/biol-1402'>BIOL 1402, class='sc-courselink' href='/en/catalogs/university-of-the-incarnate-word/2020-2021/catalog/x-main-campus-courses/chem-chemistry/1000/chem-1302'>CHEM 1302/ class='sc-courselink' href='/en/catalogs/university-of-the-incarnate-word/2020-2021/catalog/x-main-campus-courses/chem-chemistry/1000/chem-1102'>CHEM 1102, and BIOL 3311 or BIOL 3361