EDUC 66CS Internship

This course is the last course in the professional development sequence required for Texas teacher certification. Students complete a teaching internship of one school year in which the intern is employed as a teacher of record and is jointly supervised by the University of the Incarnate Word and the school/district. Interns assume responsibilities of the professional educator and therefore will follow the campus’ reporting expectations for all teachers, to include: professional development, faculty meetings, department planning, parent-teacher conferences, as well as all other required meetings and/or extracurricular events required by the school administration. This class serves as the capstone course in the MAT degree and must be taken in the last year of the student’s program. This course is completed in conjunction with the Clinical Teaching/Internship Seminar in the fall semester of the internship year. Throughout the placement, students will engage in an examination and analysis of teaching practices and professional expectations. The student must demonstrate proficiency in effective instructional design and delivery, classroom management, professional communication, and ongoing professional development. This course is required for MAT certification candidates completing the program with an internship placement. Must earn a minimum grade of "B-" for credit toward the MAT degree. May not be repeated for credit.




Admission to Internship Cohort


EDUC 6261