Music Minor

The minor in music is designed for students who wish to continue their musical training while majoring in another subject.

A. 18 credit hours of musicianship courses:

MUSI 1100Introduction to Aural Skills

MUSI 1191Aural Skills I

MUSI 1192Aural Skills II

MUSI 1321Music Theory I

MUSI 1322Music Theory II

MUSI 1111Keyboard Skills I

MUSI 1121Keyboard Skills II

MUSI 1110, Freshman Seminar, must be completed twice.

B. 3 credit hours of music history courses:

MUSI 3347Survey/Appreciation of Opera

MUSI 3348Studies in World Music

MUSI 3349Women in Music

MUSI 3350American Popular Music

MUSI 3351Music in Asian Theater

C. 3 credit hours of upper-level MUSI courses:

3 credit hours of upper-level MUSI courses, approved by the student's adviser.

D. 6 credit hours of Applied Music:

2 credit hours of principal instrument, either voice or on focused instrument:

MUAP 1154Priv Instr I:


MUAP 1176Priv Instr I: Voice

4 credit hours of major ensembles:

Cardinal Band, Cardinal Chorale, Orchestra, or Wind Ensemble (See Ensemble Policies further in this section)

Students who, at the time of the entrance audition, are deemed unprepared for freshman-level MUAP lessons or MUSI courses may be placed in one or more of the following courses:  MUAP 1144, MUSI 1311, MUSI 1381, MUSI 1100, MUSI 1300.  These courses are prerequisites to the pursuit of a Music degree at UIW and are not counted as part of the degree or as free electives.