Evaluation of Performance

All graduate students in graduate or undergraduate courses will be graded Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U), or Incomplete (I). Graduate students also have the option of receiving a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or I in most courses. The grades of A or B shall be awarded for satisfactory work. Grades of C or D will not satisfy any course requirement for a graduate degree at UCSC. A graduate program has the option of requiring letter grades or S/U grades for any graduate course offered by that program.

Under the grading options, you will receive Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory unless you elect the letter grade option (A, B, C, D, F). The choice is yours at the time of enrollment and can be changed up to the end of the third week of instruction for the quarter.

Graduate students are not eligible to file Credit by Examination, Credit by Petition or to receive a "no record" notation. All notations including those of C, D, F, or Unsatisfactory will be listed on the permanent record.

Graduate student performance may also be evaluated according to the Narrative Evaluation System. Evaluations may be used by academic advisers and become part of the student’s official academic record. Read the FAQs for Students: Evaluations for an explanation of the narrative process.

Please also refer to the statement on Academic Integrity; Appendix F, Graduate Student–Faculty Adviser Relationship Guidelines; and Appendix O, Official University Policy on Academic Integrity for Graduate Students, published in the Student Policies and Regulations Handbook.