Diversity-Enhancement Programs

The Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship and the Dissertation-Year Fellowship are part of the University of California’s Academic Career Development Program.

The Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship is a merit-based diversity-enhancement program that provides financial support for students from diverse backgrounds to pursue and successfully complete a graduate degree. This fellowship is awarded to entering doctoral students who have overcome significant obstacles to achieve a baccalaureate-level degree, and whose economic, educational, or social background contributes to intellectual diversity of the graduate student population. Departments identify applicants from among their pool of admissions applications. Applicants should refer to the information under Financial Support in the application to gain a better understanding of this fellowship. Fellowship recipients must be a U.S. citizen, or a Permanent Resident, or an undocumented student who qualifies for nonresident supplemental tuition exemptions under AB 540, who are being recommended for admission to a Ph.D. program, and who plan to pursue an academic career in research and teaching.

The Dissertation-Year Fellowship is available to continuing students who are advanced to candidacy. Enrolled students are assisted through formal and informal group orientations, individual advice about academic matters, financial aid, postdoctoral opportunities, and the provision of information about career planning, health care, and housing.

Departments nominate applicants for this fellowship from among their qualified students. For information, see the Division of Graduate Studies website.