
ART 184 3D Art and Design I

Emphasizes the conceptual aspects of 3D art and design using the laser cutter to prototype and experiment with construction methods and materials to create, represent, respond to, and reflect on 3D forms in space. Students learn about mixed-media fabrication techniques, materials, and processes that include using a woodshop and metal-fabrication shop. The course is structured around assignments that develop individual expressiveness, research skills, creative industry, and class participation. Students are billed a materials fee. (Formerly 3D Art and Design: Laser Cutting and CNC Routing.)


One course from ART 20H, ART 20K, ART 101, ART 102, ART 103, ART 106E, ART 108, ART120, ART 121, ART 122, ART 124, ART 125, ART 129, ART 146T / THEA 106, ART 172, ART 180B, ART 183,ART 188, ART 189 and two courses from ART 15, ART 20G, ART 20I, ART 20J, ART 20L, ART 26. Enrollment is restricted to art majors.




The Staff

Repeatable for credit
