Individual Major

Academically strong students have the option of developing an individual major. Individual majors must be vetted and approved by the Academic Senate (CEP), and must be distinct from any approved major program or possible combination of major programs. Regular deadlines to declare the major also apply to individual majors; students should declare their individual major by the end of their sophomore year.

Because the process of developing and proposing an individual major requires rigorous planning, and approval is not guaranteed, students are advised to pursue an existing major plan until a proposal has been submitted and approved by CEP. Make an appointment with your college academic preceptor as soon as possible if you are considering this option.

Forming an individual major can be challenging, since three faculty members in the discipline(s) must agree to serve on a committee to supervise the major, and the major must be approved by the Committee on Educational Policy. Guidelines, policies, and forms for individual majors can be found on the Academic Senate website: Individual Major Guidelines and Information, and in Academic Senate Regulation 10.4.5.

Individual majors must include at least 10 courses (50 credits), of which at least eight (40 credits) must be upper-division. No more than two of the required courses may be independent study courses. Students who cannot meet their original study plan for the major must consult with the committee chair, and in some cases, the Committee on Educational Policy, for approval of any changes. All students who complete an individual major are awarded a bachelor of arts.