Campus Security Authorities

Although UC Santa Cruz has a police department, victims of crime may be more inclined to report to someone other than the police. For this reason the Clery Act requires all institutions to collect crime reports from a variety of individuals and organizations that the Clery Act refers to as Campus Security Authorities (CSA). A CSA is an official of the university who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. They are usually found in departments responsible for, but not limited to, student and campus activities, the police department, community safety programs, student conduct/judicial affairs, housing, athletics, or human resources. This designation also includes any other individual who has been specified by UC Santa Cruz to receive reports of offenses.

CSAs are responsible for immediately reporting crimes and incidents that occur on the UC Santa Cruz campus or affiliated property to the UC Santa Cruz Police Department. More information about CSA responsibility is located at UCSC’s Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act webpage.