VIC 291 Cooperative Work Experience #

Continuation of the VIC 290◊, Cooperative Work Experience.  Students have the option to continue with their previous place of employment or select a different area of concentration related to their field of study.  Work experience must go beyond what was learned in the previous co/op class or consist of an entirely different learning experience.  Continuous growth of the individual is emphasized. As with the previous co-op experience, the college will continue to provide hands-on, interactive sessions where students can learn career readiness skills and effective techniques to be used in searching for employment. (Fall 2020)


2 credits

Last Updated

7/29/2020 4:19:54 PM


(1) VIC 290◊ with at least a 'C' grade or higher; (2) 2.0 Grade Point Average (C average); (3) approval of the Cooperative Education Office
