2020-2021 Catalog

Developmental Education Requirements

Fundamental education courses are designed for students who need a refresher course before enrolling in credit-bearing courses. Fundamental courses are not offered for academic credit and do not fulfill graduation requirements. Students who take developmental education courses (ENG 090) must complete those courses with a grade of C or better.

All undergraduate students must enroll in WRK 100 in their first term, where they will be assessed for English proficiency. Students who do not earn the university-determined passing algorithmic score on the writing assessment or who do not meet one of the other criteria as outlined in the Undergraduate Admission section of the catalog, must enroll in ENG 090 for their second term.  Students may defer ENG 090 to their third term only if they need to repeat all of their first term courses in their second term. Developmental English requirements may not be deferred past the third term under any circumstances

Students must successfully complete MAT 104 or MAT 110 (by earning a grade of C or higher) or post transfer credit in order to continue taking other courses in their program. Students without transfer credit in mathematics must attempt MAT 104 or MAT 110 no later than their second term of enrollment. Students may defer MAT 104 or MAT 110 to their third term only if they need to repeat all of their first term courses in their second term.  

A student enrolled in ENG 090 who does not earn a passing grade may repeat the course pursuant to the Course Repeat Policy. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is not subject to developmental education requirements.