2020-2021 Catalog


Strayer University is committed to providing career resources and services that will be valuable for students as they build a career strategy to achieve their goals.  There are a wide range of services and resources that have been carefully selected to assist students in preparing for future professional positions. The university makes these career resources available to students throughout their academic journey. The intent is to actively engage students in the career development process. Participation in career activities and/or completion of any Strayer program does not guarantee that a student will find employment.  Strayer University alumni who are seeking career assistance are also invited to use these resources.

The Career Center

The Career Center is a centralized hub that provides detailed information about the career resources and services available to students and alumni. Core in the design of this site is the belief that students should have a career strategy that aligns with their academic pursuits. The Career Center website is structured around the stages of the Career Strategy Lifecycle: Explore, Connect, Prepare, and Act. The Career Center is found: https://careercenter.strayer.edu.

Featured resources and services include:

  • Job search resources including DirectSource, a portal with national job listings for full and part-time positions

  • Career preparation videos and on demand professional webinars

  • Resume, cover letter, and interviewing content and support

  • Career interest groups with industry news, professional associations, relevant events, etc.

  • Individual career support

Campus-Based Career Resources

In campuses with Learning Resources Centers, there may be additional career support. Students and alumni may contact their local campus to inquire if on-ground career support is available.