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2023-2024 Undergraduate Course Catalog
Undergraduate Courses
ART - Art
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Undergraduate Courses
AADM - Arts Administration
ACCT - Accounting
ART - Art
ART 205
ART 210
ART 211
ART 212
ART 213
ART 215
ART 216
ART 221
ART 222
ART 230
ART 231
ART 232
ART 237
ART 239
ART 241
ART 243
ART 244
ART 245
ART 246
ART 247
ART 248
ART 249
ART 250
ART 251
ART 252
ART 254
ART 255
ART 256
ART 261
ART 263
ART 275
EAS - East Asian Studies
AST - Africana Studies
BIOL - Biology
BOS - Boston Course
BUS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CHL - Children's Lit.
CNBH-College of Natural, Behavioral, and Health Sciences
COMM - Communications
CRGCS- Critical Race, Gender, Cultural Studies
CS - Computer Science
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENVI - Environmental Forum
EXSC - Exercise Science
FREN - French
GCS - Gender Cultural Studies
HIST - History
HON - Honors Courses
HUM - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INRL - Intl Relations
Integrative Learning
IT - Information Technology
JAPN - Japanese
LCIS - Learning Community Integrative Seminar
LDR - Leadership
LTWR - Literature & Writing
MATH - Mathematics
MHEO - Public Health Online
ML - Modern Languages
MUS - Music
NB - Neuroscience & Behavior
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PHIL - Philosophy
PH - Public Health
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
SIM - Simmons Course
SNHS - School Nursing & Health Science
SOCI - Sociology
SONL - Simmons Online
SPAN - Spanish
SPND - Special Needs Educ
STAT - Statistics
SWO - Social Work Online
SW - Social Work
WGST - Women's & Gender Studies
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ART 205
Thinking Through Art
ART 210
Architecture of Boston
ART 211
Nature into Drawing
ART 212
Modern Art in Mexico and the United States
ART 213
ART 247 Eighteenth Century Art: The Age of Revolutions
ART 215
Screen Printing
ART 216
Screen Printing and Propaganda
ART 221
About Face: Portraits Now
ART 222
Collage and Mixed Media
ART 230
Special Topics in Photography
ART 231
Special Topics in Studio Art
ART 232
Advanced Digital Workshop
ART 237
Advanced Black and White Photography
ART 239
Art of the Real: Documentary Photography
ART 241
Special Topics in Art History
ART 243
Making Art Modern: the Impressionists
ART 244
20th Century Art
ART 245
American Art
ART 246
Women/Art in the Age of Rembrandt
ART 247
ART 247 Eighteenth Century Art: The Age of Revolutions
ART 248
Gender and Art
ART 249
History of Photography
ART 250
Survey of Islamic Arts
ART 251
African Art: 3000 BC to the Present
ART 252
Arts of China and Japan
ART 254
Contemporary Art
ART 255
African American Art
ART 256
Approaches in Contemporary Photography
ART 261
The Art of the Open Road
ART 263
Buddhist World Art
ART 275
Photography in Collaboration