2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

English Major

CIP Code


The English major requires the completion of 39 credits which includes a required major core of 21 credits (7 courses) plus 18 credits of English major course electives. 12 credits (4 courses) of these 18 credits must be literature elective courses.

Requirments for the English Major

Required Courses

ENG 210Literacy Research and Writing


ENG 215Major British Authors Pre-18th Century


ENG 221The British Tradition I


ENG 222The British Tradition II


ENG 238American Literary Experiences


ENG 361Literary Theory


ENG 390Capstone


Total Credit Hours:21

Elective Courses

Students must take six courses (18 credits) in English major electives.
Four courses (12 credits) of these six courses must be literature electives.

Total Credit Hours:18

Policy Statement Regarding the English Major 

Students will take ENG 210, ENG 221, ENG 222, and ENG 238 in their sophomore year.

Students will take ENG 215 and ENG 361 as well as English major electives in their junior year.

Students will take ENG 390 Capstone as well as English major electives in their senior year.

All major courses must be passed with a grade of C or better.

English majors are required to complete six credits in a foreign language.