2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Appeals

A student who has been dismissed from the university can appeal the dismissal to the University Academic Review Board and request reinstatement. For a student's appeal of a dismissal to be considered, the appeal must be based upon 1 or more of the following grounds: (1) arithmetic or clerical error; (2) extenuating circumstances; (3) discrimination or harassment, based upon race, color, gender, religion, national/ethnic origin, age, or disability.

With the exception of appeals that are based solely on arithmetic or clerical error(s), the appeal should include reflection on the cause of the poor performance, documentation of any extenuating circumstances, and a plan of action for improving performance if the student is admitted back into the University. The appeal and all supporting documentation of the appeal must be presented within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the formal dismissal letter which will be sent to the student's Sacred Heart email address and by U.S. mail to the student's home address of record. The Academic Review Board or equivalent structure will make a recommendation to the university provost in a timely fashion. The university provost will then make a final decision on the appeal. This concludes the appeal process.

If a student is reinstated as a result of the appeals process, they will be placed on academic probation for up to the next two enrolled consecutive semesters, with the exception of students who were dismissed based on an arithmetic or clerical error.

In the first enrolled term following dismissal, a student must meet the term GPA and credit completion requirements for satisfactory progress. (See academic probation policy). If a student does not meet the term GPA and credit completion requirements in the term following reinstatement, they will be dismissed.

Based on the two semesters following reinstatement, if the student's cumulative GPA does not meet the GPA requirement for satisfactory progress, they will be dismissed.

Students on academic probation must meet with their advisor, complete a Student Success Plan for improved performance, and follow this plan. Failure to complete and comply with the Student Success Plan will significantly increase the likelihood of continued probation or dismissal.