2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy

CIP Code


Kristin Rainville, EdD

Program Director of Graduate Literacy Programs
Office Phone: 203 365-7517
E-mail: rainvillek@sacredheart.edu

102 and 097 Certification, Master of Education in Literacy, and Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy

Program Overview:


This online program yields two types of literacy endorsements that will position program completers to assume leadership positions in reading and language arts specialization and curriculum development in reading and literacy. Program completers will be able to address the individual needs of students within diverse populations. Educators with a 102 certification can provide interpretation of student assessment data across all aspects of literacy, skills, and grade levels. Additionally, certified literacy specialists are an invaluable resource to school districts and institutions, skilled in utilizing data to school-wide improvement plans and to deliver professional development that can transform instruction. The preferred instructional delivery method for courses is synchronous. 
Teachers with 102 certification are able to discuss a variety of research-based strategies as they collaborate in design intervention to address student learning needs. Certified teachers know how to design learning targets and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) goals that will best meet the needs of students.

*Candidates are eligible to apply for state certification (102) after the successful completion of Master of Education in Literacy coursework and 30 months of successful classroom experience working under a teaching certificate.

The purpose of the Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy is to prepare prospective literacy professionals with strong teaching and leadership skills to address the diverse needs of an evolving population. The 102 certificate for Remedial Reading/Remedial Language Arts and/or the 097 for Reading Consultant qualify the holder to obtain a position as a/an interventionist, literacy coach, reading specialist, staff and curriculum developer or teacher leader. Although specific requirements for specific literacy positions vary from district to district, the State of Connecticut recognized the distinction between the two levels of certification as an upper (097) and a lower tier (102) certification, with the 102 as a prerequisite for the 097.
The Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy is a 33-credit program yielding two levels of state literacy certification in reading and language arts. Candidates have opportunities to integrate research-based theory with practical application focusing on student achievement.  The first 21 credits yield the 102 certificate for Remedial Reading/Remedial Language Arts, with the next 12 credits leading to the 097 Reading Consultant Certificate. The candidate has the option to proceed from one program to another in seamless transition or stagger the schedule to accommodate his or her needs. The candidates select the last three credits from electives. Candidates are eligible to apply for state reading certification after the successful completion of program requirements and 30 months of successful classroom teaching under a valid teaching certificate. Candidates are also required to pass the 008 Reading Specialist Test, the test of licensure for obtaining literacy certification.
Full-time certified teachers with a master’s degree who have accrued 30 months of teaching experience are eligible to pursue the 102 certificate concurrent with our M.Ed. program.

Tier I: Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification

The Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification requires 21 credits of study. Candidates may complete these credits as part of a post-baccalaureate degree (MEd or CAS). To be recommended for certification, candidates must provide evidence of 30 months of classroom experience as a teacher and have taken a special education course within the last ten years, with an earned grade of "C" or better.

Tier II: Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification

The prerequisite for admittance into the 097 program is the 102 certificate for Remedial Reading/Remedial Language Arts. Therefore, candidates applying for admittance into the program must have a valid teaching certificate and at least 1.5 years of successful classroom teaching experience. To be recommended for certification, candidates must provide evidence of 10 months teaching experience or the equivalent of one academic year in a position for which a 102 is required and have taken a special education course within the last ten years, with an earned grade of "C" or better.

Master of Education in Literacy

This 30-credit course of study must be completed within six years of the date of completion of the first course.

Optional School-Based Internship

The Graduate Teacher Internship is available to candidates pursuing the M.Ed. Participation in the school-based experience entitles the candidate to 30 credits of tuition. Please visit our internship page to learn more about the program

More Information

Sacred Heart's Master of Education (M.Ed.) courses are offered fully online. The M.Ed. in Literacy offers summer and fall start dates.

102 and 097 Certification

Program Requirements

Sequences I and II are program requirements for Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification.

Sequence I

Classroom Instruction (9 credits)
EDR 505Early Reading & Language Arts Success (PK-3)


EDR 507Developmental Reading & Language Arts (4-6)


EDR 510Content Area Reading Instruction (Grades 7-12)


EDR 505, EDR 507, EDR 510: Course required for (102) certification.

Sequence II

12 credits
EDR 540Advanced Diagnosis & Remediation I


EDR 545Assessment & Evaluation CT Model


EDR 550Clinical Experience I


EDR 555Clinical Experience II


EDR 540, EDR 545, EDR 550, EDR 555: Course required for (102) certification.

Upon successful completion of the first seven courses, candidates apply for Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification. 30 months of successful teaching experience required.

Sequence III

12 credits

Sequence III includes program requirements for Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification. Prerequisite: Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certificate. One year of teaching as a Remedial Language Arts Specialist is required.


EDR 527Organization, Administration and Supervision: Reading & Language


EDR 541Advanced Diagnosis & Remediation II


EDR 691Practicum In Consulting


EDR 692Applied Reading & Language Arts Research


EDR 527, EDR 541, EDR 691, EDR 692: Courses required for 097 certificate and available to candidates who have earned 102 certification for Remedial Reading/Remedial Language Arts.

Master of Education in Literacy

Required Courses

EDR 620Utilizing Technology in Reading Instruction


EDR 538Process Writing: K-12


EDR 590Literacy Capstone


EDR 505Early Reading & Language Arts Success (PK-3)


EDR 507Developmental Reading & Language Arts (4-6)


EDR 510Content Area Reading Instruction (Grades 7-12)


EDR 540Advanced Diagnosis & Remediation I


EDR 545Assessment & Evaluation CT Model


EDR 550Clinical Experience I


EDR 555Clinical Experience II


Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy

Literacy Coursework

Candidates who complete Sequences I and II plus 12 credits in elective literacy coursework, will earn the Sixth-Year Degree in Literacy.

Choose four:

EDR 518Balanced Literacy


EDR 520Methods of Teaching & Evaluation Writing Process


EDR 525Methods and Materials for English Language Learners


EDR 538Process Writing: K-12


EDR 560Children's Literature


EDR 562Middle School Literature


EDR 564Young Adult Literature


EDR 569Structured Literacy


EDR 580Reading Interventions


EDR 620Utilizing Technology in Reading Instruction


EDR 690Teaching Fellowship


*EDR 518 and EDR 690 are offered to candidates who have exhausted the course offerings for literacy and are seeking the requisite number of courses to fulfill the Sixth Year Degree in Literacy.