2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDS 401 Identification and Evaluation of SWD

This course covers assessment concepts and processes including legal, referral, evaluation, and eligibility, as well as assessment for instructional decision-making. Identifying and assessing any student is a complex process mediated by state and federal guidelines, individual rights, cultural issues, and school resources. Assessments emphasize developmentally appropriate education advanced through a holistic, strength-based picture of all learners, including those with disabilities and those from culturally/ linguistically diverse backgrounds. Special attention will be placed on working with students who have English language learning needs. Assessments for the course are designed to use relevant assessment data to develop an appropriate Individualized Education Program (IEP). Candidates select and administer both formal and informal assessment tools that are appropriate and exceptionality specific. Candidates also consider the role of the parent or caregiver in assessment and collaboration. Candidates investigate the transition from birth to three (IDEA Part C) to the PK-12 education
