2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

Interruption in Attendance

The following information outlines various leave and withdrawal options. Students are responsible for following all University policies before a leave or withdrawal is official.  University refund policies apply. The student is responsible for obtaining all relevant information that may affect their standing and benefits including but not limited to financial aid and veteran’s benefits.  Leaves of Absence are defined as temporary separation from the University.

Students who do not return at the end of the leave or do not obtain an extension must apply for readmission. Students on leave must follow University policies before they return to the University.

Students on leave are considered to be in continuous matriculation during the leave period. However, students should speak to their SHU Financial Assistance counselor to understand implications regarding their financial aid.

Graduation requirements in effect for students at the time their approved leave begins will remain in effect when they return from their leave under the following conditions:

  • For Personal Leaves of Absence, the student must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at Sacred Heart University when their leave began.
  • For all Leaves of Absence, if a student was later placed on academic warning, probation, dismissal, suspension or expelled as the result of a judicial decision, the sanctions in place take precedence over the leave of absence.

This policy does not bind the University to alter the curricula or major program, which may have been discontinued or substantially altered during the approved leave. Students who change their major upon their return will be under the major requirements in effect at the time of their return.

Students may request approval for a Leave of Absence for good reason by following the process indicated below and filling out the appropriate forms.

Leaves are generally approved for one semester but an extension for an additional semester may be requested.

Students on leave may not take courses at another institution without prior written permission from the department chair and the dean of their college.

Personal Leave of Absence

Graduate students may request a personal leave of absence for good reason.  They should contact the Executive Director of Graduate Student Affairs. Personal Leaves of Absence are generally approved for one semester but an extension for an additional semester may be requested. Students must be in Good Academic Standing. Students in cohort programs who return from a leave will be placed in the appropriate cohort according to their current standing and prior progression in the program.

Medical Leave of Absence

Students who must leave the University because of a documented medical condition may request a medical leave of absence. Documentation of the serious nature of the medical condition must be provided to the Director of Student Wellness. Students may apply for a Medical leave of Absence by filling out the Medical Leave of Absence form.  Once approved, the completed form will be sent to the Registrar’s Office to enter into the student’s record and to forward to the Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for distribution.

Medical leaves are generally approved for one semester but may be renewed for one additional semester with written permission from the Director of Student Wellness. Students must provide supporting documentation of their ability to return from their medical personnel to the Director of Student Wellness who will consult with other University personnel such as the Office of Student Accessibility and the Program Director or Department Chair. The decision to return will be made on a case by case basis.  The student will be informed of the decision. The Director of Health and Wellness will send the written permission to return to classes to the Registrar and the Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Science for distribution.  Students on medical leave may not take courses at another institution without prior written approval from the advisor, the department chair, dean of their college, and a review by the Registrar.  An additional form needs to be completed.

Military Leave of Absence

Graduate Students called to active duty while enrolled in the University should contact the School Certifying Official in the Registrar's Office and their program director. Students must present documentation. Students wishing to obtain a Military Leave of Absence may be offered the following options after the program director confers with financial aid, instructors, and other University officials:

  • Withdrawing from the courses with a full tuition refund or tuition credit, in accordance with University and government guidelines.
  • If a student completed at least 70% of the coursework and upon recommendation of his/her dean, the student may elect to take incompletes and make special arrangements for course completion with individual instructors.
  • Students are eligible to return within one year following active duty. However, the degree requirements may have changed, and the student may be required to comply with degree program requirements in effect at the time of their return to the University.