2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CIP Code


Sacred Heart University’s Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree requires successful completion of a minimum of 60 hours of graduate course credit that includes the core counseling courses, core clinical mental health counseling courses, and clinical placement courses. Also, successful completion of two (2) week-long, on-ground residency experiences as well as professional fitness evaluations by program core faculty are required.

Students must maintain a 3.0 to remain enrolled in the Sacred Heart University’s Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. A grade of C or below in a course will require that a student repeat the course prior to moving into future courses. Students who earn two (2) Cs will be dismissed from Sacred Heart University’s Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

Degree Requirements

Course Credit Transfer Policy

Requests for courses to be transferred for credit toward a graduate degree are reviewed upon request by the applicant. Such work must represent graduate-level courses relevant to the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University being sought, with course content and level of instruction resulting in applicant competencies at least equivalent to those currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University.

The Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Course Credit Transfer Policy may be applied in two (2) situations: (a) applicants who enter the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University having already completed coursework that they believe to be equivalent to required program course, and/or (b) applicants currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University who want to complete a course through another institution.

Note: Requesting transfer course credit means that the course credits will count toward the total degree credit hours.

Applicants seeking transfer credit must provide the following to their academic program:

  • Published course description
  • Course reading list
  • Course requirements, including assignments and grading criteria
  • CACREP Standards met in each course (must include year of standards)
  • Course Learning Outcomes (when possible, Program Outcomes should be included)
  • Information on the types of methods that were used to engage applicants in learning
  • Official transcripts noting earned credit for the course.
  • In addition, the following guidelines apply:

  • Coursework must have been complete within the past five (5) years.
  • Coursework must have been complete at a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
  • Grades earned on transferred work must be equivalent to B or better.
  • Skills (individual/group counseling) or field experience (practicum/internship) coursework are not eligible for transfer credit.
  • Courses taken on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis will not be included in transfer credit.
  • Credit hours earned on transferred work will not be greater than the earned credit hours reflected on the official transcript. When necessary, earned credit hours will be converted to semester hours before posting as transferred credit hours.

Note: The Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University has discretion to allow fewer hours.

  • The Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University does not accept transfer credit for non-credit courses, including courses taken for Continuing Education Units.
  • No more than 12 hours of graduate credit may be/will be transferred in to meet the credit hour and course requirements for the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Sacred Heart University.

We will only consider course credit transfer for the following courses:

  • COU 510 Human Development
  • COU 540 Social & Cultural Foundations
  • COU 570 Career Counseling
  • COU 580 Research Methods & Program Evaluation
  • COU 590 Substance Use Disorders & Process Addictions
  • COU 565 Counseling Theories II: Couples, Families, & Children
  • COU 575 Human Sexuality
  • COU 675 Consultation & Organization Administration in Counseling

Note: Courses must be from counseling programs. Credits from Social Work, Marriage & Family, and/or Psychology courses will not be accepted.


Counseling Core Courses (36 credits)


COU 500Introduction to the Counseling Profession & Introduction to Ethics

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 510Human Development

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 520Skills in Helping Relationship - Residency I

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 530Counseling Theories

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 540Social & Cultural Foundations

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 550Assessment & Assessment Techniques

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 560Psychopathology, Diagnostic Systems, & Advanced Assessments

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 570Career Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 580Research Methods & Program Evaluation

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 590Substance Use Disorders & Process Addictions

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 600Crisis & Trauma Assessment & Treatment

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 610Group Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)


Clinical Mental Health Counseling Core Courses (15 credits)

CMH 630Professional Issues, Laws & Advanced Ethics in Clinical Mental Health

3.00 Credit(s)

CMH 640Treatment Planning & Integrative Models of Care

3.00 Credit(s)

CMH 650Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)

CMH 660Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)

CMH 670Advanced Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)

Elective Courses (9 credits)

Choose 3 Electives  (Specific electives are determined by the Intended State of Licensure):



CMH 680Advanced Internship II in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 565Counseling Couples, Families, & Children


COU 575Human Sexuality

3.00 Credit(s)

CMH 585Counseling Special Populations and Advanced Techniques

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 665Psychopharmacology & Advanced Psycopathology

3.00 Credit(s)

COU 675Consultation & Organizational Administration in Counseling

3.00 Credit(s)